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Proteus & Arduino Design Help

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Newbie level 2
Mar 26, 2022
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Hi Friends.

I have to design Microcontroller base vehicle data acquisition system to measure following things using Proteus and Arduino softwares only.

1. Measuring coolant temperature , Coolant level , and road speed.
2. The LCD display should show the above parameters clearly
3. DC cooling fan on /off need to control according to the coolant temperature.

Please help me to do the above design in proteus and coding part using Arduino IDE.


We can help, but you have to do the main job.

We miss a lot here:
* What did you do so far?
* Where is the flow chart
* no timing information
* no part names
* no interface types



We can help, but you have to do the main job.

We miss a lot here:
* What did you do so far?
* Where is the flow chart
* no timing information
* no part names
* no interface types

Hi Klaus ST ,
Thanks for the reply.
I have attached the proteus screen shot what I did so far. In the proteus design I dont know How to add sensor an develop the circuit to measure the road speed. Only I have design the circuit to show the coolant temperature , coolant level and DC fan ON/OFF according the coolant temperature. I have no idea to write the code using Arduino IDE. Please help.

I have attached the proteus screen shot

I have no idea to write the code using Arduino IDE. Please help.
A forum can't replace school and reading/viewing tutorials.
We can help you, but you have to do the main job.

The first thing to do is to find out all requirements that are important for the project.
I miss this. Your informations/requirements are far from being complete.
But you go three steps ahead and do some proteus things.

This does not work well when hiking on a mountain and this does not work well with designing electronics.


Hi Friends.

I have to design Microcontroller base vehicle data acquisition system to measure following things using Proteus and Arduino softwares only.

1. Measuring coolant temperature , Coolant level , and road speed.
2. The LCD display should show the above parameters clearly
3. DC cooling fan on /off need to control according to the coolant temperature.

Please help me to do the above design in proteus and coding part using Arduino IDE.

What is the min and max coolant temperatures? If they are say between -55 and 150 degree Centigrade then a temperature sensor like LM35DZ can be used.

Is LCD used in 4-bit mode or I2C mode?

A Logic Gate N Channel MOSFET is needed to drive the BLDC fan for cooling and it can be 2-wire (red,black) or 3-wires(red(+ve),yellow(pwm),black(-ve)) types and a PWM signal is needed to drive the BLDC fan.

The very simple answer is...

1. Measure the temperature of the coolant using ADC.
2. Measure speed with photo-interrupter, magnet 'n' reed switch, or hall-effect sensor 'n' magnet combination sensors for the tachometer part.
3. More speed means more temperature and adjust the PWM duty of the motor from required min and max PWM duties to run the BLDC fan.

PWM duty varies from 0 to 100%. 0% is fully-off and 100% is fully-on.

Becuse the T sensor "should be" directly measuring coolant stream it needs
to be in a housing suitable to protect it fronm the caustic environment.


These are resistance sensors, so you use them typically in a V divider
before inputting to ADC. Or drive them with a current source and measure
their V. They are typically resistance vs T based sensors.


Do you know how to write C code ? Is this a student project ?

Regards, Dana.

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