[SOLVED] Project to replace CY7C64613 in the ICD2

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Hi Freddie Chopin,

I do not understand , could you please be more clear....

I need schematic of ICD2 (or clone) with serial (RS232) and USB interface but with PIC18F4550 instead CY7C6413 - like new Microchip ICD2 Rev.3.
Someone can help me ?

Hi, guys
Good news here, my ICD2, PiCS vision, is working!!!
But~~i still found two problems
First, 18F4550 firmware crashed problem. Plug, unplug, and plug again, then the ICD2 will become unrecognized. I know that some have met this problem, but isn't anybody know the exacte reason?
Secondly, i found that the Error LED never blink, anyone know why?
I have an original one, connecting or disconnecting it with PC the Error LED will blink, when i press the Reset button the Error LED blink, when failed self-test it blink, but why the Error LED of the clone one dosen't work?

Excuse my poor English

THX in advance

scum said:
I need schematic of ICD2 (or clone) with serial (RS232) and USB interface but with PIC18F4550 instead CY7C6413 - like new Microchip ICD2 Rev.3.
Someone can help me ?

Try ICD2CLONE.com or my site, I've left out the 3.3V stuff to keep it simple. I'd recommend a PICkit2 over the ICD2 for most people though.

blueroomelectronics said:
Try ICD2CLONE.com or my site, I've left out the 3.3V stuff to keep it simple. I'd recommend a PICkit2 over the ICD2 for most people though.
and for whom wouldn't you recommend pickit2? i suppose that for the fields of dspic33 / pic24?

0x41 0x56 0x45!!

Which version of firmware should I use for Potyo 2 programmer?

Hi folks !
Thanks to everybody who is or was working on this project. It´s a real great work, but for two days I already read across three threads now, and theres no real summary existing for the working PCBs with their bootloaders and so on. There were many changes all across the existing versions, so it would be very kind of everybody who has built any working version to put the corrected corresponding files together and publish them maybe with a preview of the PCB. It would be easier for beginners to build their programmers if they don´t need to look for revision-states and on.

Thanks in advance and keep up building those projects !


I have build one ICD PICS rev.B.
My problem is that MPLAB doesn't connect on it. When i try to connect mplab shows "Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2" , the progress bar moves but it stays there forever, only when i disconnect the icd2 it stops with a failed message.

The USB driver is installed correctly and i can see the programmer under the devices tab on my computer. The USB led and the power led light up. Apart from that i have no other reaction, i also tried to place 100nF capacitors to pins 31-32 on both of the microcontrollers.

Anyone has a clue on this?


Hi everybody!

I've built the latest vercion of the Potyo2 ICD2 clone. When I plug it in the PC the "New hw found" window pops up. If I click on "next", I see that Win recognises it as "MPLAB ICD2 firmware client". If I go further, the installation of its driver starts, and just before it ends, the PC restarts.
My USB-error LED doesn't blink or light.
The drivers were preinstalled, but I also removed/reinstalled them several times, as described in the HTML files provided by MPLAB.

Could anyone help me solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.


blueroomelectronics said:
Sounds like your PC has a problem. What OS are you using?


You are absolutely right. I've just tried it with another PC, and it worked. The xp installed the driver, mplab self test passed, voltage levels are also OK.
I unplugged/replugged it several times, without any problem.

So now I'm reinstalling the xp.

Added after 4 hours 7 minutes:

I realized, I was wrong. The problem wasn't with the operating system. /I reinstalled it and the restart issue remained./ But I found the true solution.
I used to connect the device with a 3 m long USB cable. I replaced it with a smaller one /1.8 m/, and now it works perfectly.

Anyway, the cable I used is not broken. I use it ewery day with my card reader. So maybe the problem is that the 4550 can not drive the bus properly because the long cable means bigger load. Or it because it collects too much RF noise.

Which one is the best revision in your opinion ?
REV B ? or REV c ?
What are the differences ?

Thanks for the attention .

I'm looking for a good schematic of ICD2 programmer with 1 layer and SMD parts. Heard that potyo2 is the best design for now, but couldn't get some parts for it (for example 74HC126).
Any other designs that support also 3.3V dsPICs?


now i am making it. Thank for all. i have some question that the reset switch can be remove or not?

i've build the icd2 clone of p!cs rev C.

but i get some errors.

first of all i have

CD0019: Failed to open communications: Non-existent port
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2

second of that if i get further.
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation

i get this error.

how to solve this?

sometimes only 1 led lights up sometimes two leds light up :S???

looks like a loose contact but where have resolderd everything..

the stupid thing is when i just leave it for a few minutes al elco;s and stuff are empty again and put external power on it again its fixed for just about 10sec.

after 10s the led goes off and the usb connection is lost.

so it looks like something;s wrong with the elcos or stuff?

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