[SOLVED] Project to replace CY7C64613 in the ICD2

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Can you document what changes you did to the ICD2 ?

Plus I am interested in the Teskan schematic you used..

Do create a new thread for our benefit.. or if required, you can PM me.

Good work !


page39 of this post Teskan has his schematic I use only the translator part consisting of 3 transistors and 6 resistors, but on Teskan scheme he has a jumper selectable on the vpp line, that same trace is present on Pics scheme ( come to think of it they seem to be identical ) I basically cut that trace from Pics pcb and it works with Pic24hj128gp510.

This files describe how to extract PIC18F4550 ICD2 firmware from MPLAB IDE directory. The utility bin2hex is used.

The files 4550CFG.HEX and 4550ISR.HEX is the piece made by the people in this forum.

First run make_4550_Firmware.bat to generate file ICD2_4550.HEX.

Before run test.bat to do a comparation with firmware distributed in www.icd2clone.com you need to do an import and export the file ICD2_4550.HEX using MPLAB. Select all memory of device and overwrite the file ICD2_4550.HEX then run test.bat.

I'm disassembling 4550 firmware and I'll post the first results of this work in next weeks.


Your effort is going to bring out something bigger than you expect.. make a new thread for this...

Explain first WHY you are doing this in the new topic, for example the finding that the ICD2 has scope for upgradation, plus the inconsistency betwwen some firmware...

Your work is getting lost here because people visiting this is PRIMARILY interested in building the hardware and just flashing it with the provided firmware.

What you intend to do is phenomenal... I was looking through the code you sent me and I saw you had it annotated VERY well..

If you don't mind, I will translate it to C, altough I have a few questions..

Anyways, you complete the translation, I will talk to you soon.


Good idea!

I create a topic only for developers of ICD2. In the first post I put all work including .

Let's go!

About my schematic. It is based on PiCS' design, i just added the el - cheapo level translators so i can use it with 3v3 devices. The jumper on the Vpp line was there just for precaution - i didn't want to fry my only chip. Anyway, ICD2 doesn't connect Vpp to target MCLR pin if you use 3v3 device so you don't need it.

Is anywhane made a potyo2 ICD Clone in SMD version?


Upload the layout in SMD for all our benefit...

I think rotan3sx wants the same too

Hi Guys!
Thanks to all those people who have contributed to this thread. I started building an ICD clone based on the designs posted in this thread and i am glad to tell u that after a few problems i have managed to make it work(just two days of work). I have made a few changes to the high voltage generation circuit because i wanted to use a seprate DC supply instead of the USB power(for safety).

I will upload my schematics in a couple of days so that it might help those people who are stuck at some level.


vsmGuy said:

Your is the best answer I have got so far. Precise and to the point.

Ops! This answer is true only when programming the microcontroller out of circuit!

When In Circuit Programming the current that MCLR programmer driver must supply is determined by the MCLR pull-up resistor on target.

Without considering input bias current on MCLR pin of target, the current needed to drive this pin is:


where R is the pull-up resistor on target

tipical example:

Vpp = 12,5V
Vdd = 5V
R = 10K

I = 0,75mA

If strong pull-ups (<5K) are used then the last answer is strongly false


krazeebee said:
hi plzz tell me what da best version of ICD 2

Potyo and PICs are the best original CLONE. Read the entire topic, and then post if you have questions. :roll:

blueroomelectronics said:
Does the real ICD2 use a different crystal for the 18F4550? I've seen 16MHz on a clone or two.

You can use the same or you can use another. But for minimize the space and cheap you can use the same. The frequency for the 4550 depends of the configuration bits, the frequency should be fixed for the PLL input equal to 4Mhz, and the frequency for the 4450 CORE is PLLout/2=48MHz for faster work.

I contact you because I have built an USB ICD2 Clone as PiCS (Rev B) www.icd2clone.com. All my hardware Is good but I have problem with Mplab I can't communicate with It. I have program my 18F4550 and 16F877 with the PICS RevB attach files. Can't you help me please. I use MPLab 7.51.

Thanks you good Day.

Please solder 100nF cap to Vcc and Gnd on red circle

Thanks you my ICD2 work perfectly.

Good Day

Hi,everyone i made a ICD2 use the Potyo and PIC's design.But now i meet a trouble.Could you give me a hand!

Self Test always failed.

Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2


Setting Vdd source to target

Target Device dsPIC30F4013 found, revision = mg1 a1

...Reading ICD Product ID

Running ICD Self Test

... Failed Self Test. See ICD2 Settings (status tab) for details.


self test
Taget Vdd Pass
Module Vpp Pass
MCLR Gnd Pass
MCLR Vdd Pass
MCLR Vpp High

Target Vdd 5.39
Target Vpp 13.74
MPLAB ICD2 Vpp 13.66

what shall i do?

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