programs for beginners in programming (High level language programming)

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Full Member level 6
Oct 4, 2010
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while i was studying programming , i found that it is hard to write a complete code for a program so that you can show it as a complete product

we can collect good small projects for beginners , i think it will be helpful

First program
Flip my text
or my text is upside down

Everybody write like that !
¡sıɥʇ ǝʞıl ǝʇıɹʍ ʇ,uɐɔ ı ʎɥʍ


it is too simple

see the product in the attached files

how to do this ?
whenever your programmed language (c,c++,c# or java)

you need to strings hat will be treated like arrays

public Form1()

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string dow = "68ㄥ9 ގㄣᄐᄅ⇂0zxɔʌquɯlʞɾɥƃ ɟpsɐdoınʎʇɹǝʍbZXϽ ΛqNWLʞɾHƃℲpS∀dOInʎ⊥ɹƎMÕ',,˙¿¡&-‾<>)(}{][";
// string of flipped chars

string up = "9876 543210zxcvbnmlkjhg fdsapoiuytrewqZXC VBNMLKJHGFDSAPOIUYTREWQ,'`.?!&-_><(){}[]";
// string of ordinary chars not flpped one

string get = textBox1.Text;
// string that written by the user

int t;
string n="";

for (int i = 0; i < get.Length; i++)
foreach (char x in up) // go to the char in get search for it in ordinary string
if (get==x)
t = up.IndexOf(x);

n = n + dow[t]; // after you find it's index put it in the string n

int j = n.Length - 1;
string lr = ""; // make it left to write
for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; j--,i++)
lr = lr + n[j];

textBox2.Text = lr; display it in textbox2


finally don't forget to put good icons

Mahmoud Hassan


  • FlipMyText.rar
    45.4 KB · Views: 85

If you have a inverted character set then it is as simple as ABC... means do a string reverse then map all the characters to inverted characters.

Long back IIRC in 1988-89 I wrote a small program in "basica" without using graphic function to enlarge characters in text mode. I did it by reading each individual pixel then replacing them with "*".

But I have never tried such a thing for last several years. I guess it is possible if some how we read the pixels. in the display buffer.
Then we can mirror those pixels and print the inverted string.

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