Procurement Engineer???

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Advanced Member level 4
Oct 24, 2005
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What usually is the job description of a PROCUREMENT ENGINEER? Is is a good job for begineers?Any comment?

That sounds like purchasing by a person trained in engineering to make sure what is purchased will work for a design.

You're going to be testing a part's requirements, as provided by engineering, against the datasheets of various parts and then procuring (getting) the appropriate part.

Hmm as the name implies, you'll be working on the procurement section. Maybe, you will be responsible in checking the technical specifications of the offered product. After which you will make recommendations to the procurement manager/head on which product fits your needs.

a procurment engineer basically works in the purchasee department.. the main job responsibilities for the person is looking for the possible manufactureres of the given part. Sometimes you may need to find an quivalent or an alternate part.

Also, you have to do the vendor vist and evaluation, bt it more depends on what feild you are working for. Plus you may be responsible for planning things in advance to avoid shortages etc.

yes it is a good feild to go .. if you want to continue with the same in the future.

Is this acceptable work experience if ever I'll transfer to a semiconductor company? Is this a hands-on job? or somewhat like a clerical? I just heard this description for the first time.

IF later you would like to work as a Design Enggr, than i dont think your experience will be counted. for more description about the job you can read this:

**broken link removed** ...

may be this helps and gives you a better idea.

Best of Luck

My 2 cents...Take it for what its worth. If you take the job, do not stay in it long if you ultimately want to do design work. It can be a good foot in the door but do not get caught in it. This type of position is at best a technical buyer. Obsolete part searches and mundane searches parts that cross with other manufacturers. The line of succession may take you to a manufacturing engineering position but not design....Sorry I am letting my bias show....

Good luck hope it works out the way you want.


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