Processing : Programming language, development environment ( Free, Open Source )

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Advanced Member level 4
Mar 30, 2011
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Processing is a programming language, development environment, and online community
that since 2001 has promoted software literacy within the visual arts.
Initially created to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach fundamentals of computer programming
within a visual context,
Processing quickly developed into a tool for creating finished professional work as well.

Processing is a free, open source alternative to proprietary software tools with expensive licenses,
making it accessible to schools and individual students.
Its open source status encourages the community participation and collaboration that is vital
to Processing's growth.
Contributors share programs, contribute code, answer questions in the discussion forum,
and build libraries to extend the possibilities of the software.

The Processing community has written over seventy libraries to facilitate computer vision,
data visualization, music, networking, and electronics.

The Processing software runs on the Mac, Windows, and GNU/Linux platforms.

With the click of a button, it exports applets for the Web or standalone applications for
Mac, Windows, and GNU/Linux.
Graphics from Processing programs may also be exported as PDF, DXF, or TIFF files and many other file formats.

Future Processing releases will focus on faster 3D graphics, better video playback and capture,
and enhancing the development environment.
Some experimental versions of Processing have been adapted to other languages such as JavaScript,
ActionScript, Ruby, Python, and Scala;
other adaptations bring Processing to platforms like the OpenMoko, iPhone, and OLPC XO-1.

The Processing environment is written in Java.
Programs written in Processing are also translated to Java and then run as Java programs.
Programs written in Java and Processing will usually run faster than programs based on
scripting languages like ActionScript and Lingo, which is important for many graphics applications.

Large distinctions between Processing and Java are the Processing graphics library and a simplified
programming style that doesn't require users to understand more advanced concepts like classes,
objects, or animation and double-buffering (while still making them accessible for advanced users).
Such technical details must be specifically programmed in Java, but are integrated into Processing,
making programs shorter and easier to read.

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