Processing of arm microcontroller

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Member level 2
Dec 13, 2012
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Good afternoon one and all,

I want to know about the processing of ARM7 Microcontroller. I want to operate more than one load connected to the ARM7 LPC2148 Microcontroller. My Project is based on speech recognition technique, and to control the intensity of loads such as fan or light with commands such as "start fan off, start fan 66, start fan 33 and start fan 100" and same commands are used with light. There is a PC section to Convert the voice command into serial data. For Example if we give input as "start fan on" then the PC section will convert the data and is given to ARM7 Microcontroller through zigbee transceiver to perform the operation. In this there are two dimmer modules to control the intensity of light and fan.

My question is that when a serial data is given to the microcontroller to perform the operation regarding to the command such as "start light on" then how the ARM7 LPC2148 Microcontroller will process the data to operate that particular device or module only.

Please reply me as early as possible.

Thanks in Advance.

Good Evening Sir,
I has a small question that is, after ARM7 LPC2148 Microcontroller has received some serial data then how the Microcontroller will came to know to process the data to a particular module to get the output.
That means in the kit we will use different modules for various outputs, among these modules the data will go to a particular module to give the output, I want to know how the process will take place between the Microcontroller and various module like dimmer module(to dim the light or regulating the speed of a fan), APR9600 Voice module to give the confirmation feedback after the device(light or fan) operated correctly.

Thanks in Advance.

Please forgive me if there are any mistakes in the sentence formation.

You have to used conditions based upon serial command (data) received by ARM7.

if(datareceived = X) then turn ON FAN...

Good Morning sir,

after this process i want to get a confirmation output by voice by using APR9600 voice module then how this data 'X' will process to the voice module. As i has initially recorded some messages for each operation. Then how does i get the output. Please tell me.

Thank in Advance.......

ARP9600 trigger pins (play message pins) will be connected to some port pins like say, p1, p2, p3.... then you do something like this.

If data received is X then trigger p1 (make p1 low or high) (I think play pins of ARP has to be connected to ground to play particular message(s)).
if data received is Y then trigger p2...

Post your code so that it can be fixed.

Edit. I saw the datasheet of ARP9600. The pins 1 to 6 of ARP has to be connected to some digital output pins of ARM and then when you receive data through UART you have to use condition as mentioned above.

If uartrcv == 'X' then pin connected to ARP pin 1 = 0; delay 1 ms pin = 1;

else if uartrcv == 'y' pin connected to ARP pin 2 = 0; delay 1 ms pin = 1;
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