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problems with CC01 Microcontroler

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Oct 29, 2001
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we have been having problems with the T68C51CC01 microcontroler with flash loss between 00 to 7F has anybody else had simular problem. we are unable to replicate this on the bench but device keeps failing on customers machine so we suspect something to do with customers supply any help would be appreciated.

beano040461 said:
we have been having problems with the T68C51CC01 microcontroler with flash loss between 00 to 7F has anybody else had simular problem. we are unable to replicate this on the bench but device keeps failing on customers machine so we suspect something to do with customers supply any help would be appreciated.

Almost all Atmels with ISP/IAP do have many bugs. You should check
very carefully the Erratas !
I know of flash problems when there is not a proper reset circuit with
brown out detection on board.
Another thing : IAP in Page Mode is not working for page size > 16 bytes.
This is true for CC01 RB2 and RC2 MCUs from Atmel.

Cheers usbman

CC01 problems

I had both problems with CC01 (flash problems because not using a reset circuit and not able to program more than 16 bytes page using IAP), however none of those problems are reported in the device Erratas... how did you know about them?.... its your own experience?....

Re: CC01 problems

fematon said:
I had both problems with CC01 (flash problems because not using a reset circuit and not able to program more than 16 bytes page using IAP), however none of those problems are reported in the device Erratas... how did you know about them?.... its your own experience?....

The IAP problem with a pagesize > 16 bytes is described in one of the
RB2 erratas. (The description there was not very clear to me)
Almost all modern Flash MCUs will have some problems
without proper RESET this also true for Philips.


Had atmel engineers look at problem

Thanks guys we had atmel engineer fly to the states with me to look at application it is improper reset on brown combined with a glitch being coupled into the external programming line. The atmel engineering admitted that the processor jumps of the rails if slow power down slope in are case our reset could not hold it in reset long enough we have now changed the design to use an LM810 which atmel say should solve the problem. They have now put an application note on the web on brown out and flash loss

thanks for help

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