Problem with using simulation in MPLAB v6.3

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Junior Member level 2
Jun 12, 2003
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mplab v6

hi friends

i am using mplab v6.3. i am having a difficulty in using simulation of mplab. in every software the port or pins which are defined for inputs cannot be changed during simulation. why?in mplab only.

i have written many software for taking input but when i change logic 0 to 1 on that pin or port which was defined for input, i could not do and my software doen not go any where except checking switches because change of logic on inputs pins does not happen.

but is it only in mplab?
how can i use switches input in mplab simulator?

i have also 8051 simulators but they dont do so.
whats wrong with me?

plz help

mplab v6.3

There is a tool for setting a stimuli on the I/O pins. It is in the menues of MPLAB. I am not sure about the name right now. Try it! Hope it will help you.
Perhaps you shoul read MPLAB user guide to see what is said about your problem

Re: MPLAB v6.3 help ?

ok massive

i got my answer.
stimulus is in debugger menu in MPLAB 6.3. there we select pin of selected MCU and then we have some options sync. and asunc. and pin action on fire low/high/toggle/pulse. nice. but it will work until the stimulus function menu is not closed.

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