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I wanted to implement a simple multithreading code on my ATMEGA128A prtototype board where 4 different tasks would be regulated in a time window such that each thread/ task occors only for a defined period. The task is to set the PORTB6 in one thread and then clear in second and the set and clear again in next threads. Now i am using AVR studio and C language..
I actually used two different programs one introducing delay(_delay_ms(2)) in thread/TASK 1 and other without delay in THread/TASK 1.
i do not understand why the setting of the LED to On or off differs when I use delay_ms(2) as shown in the code.i expected that the 2 ms delay_ms in the code would be ignored while the timer has to run the thread 1 only for 1.4 ms.
Since OCR is set to 1 TIMER0 interrupt is called every 139 us~140us.. I am using a timer counter in my code such that each thread is called at 10x140us,,20X140us,,30X140us,,40X140us...
The (1) Oscilloscope Pic shows the toggling without delay and
The (2) Oscill pic shows toggling without a delay.. pic with (1.4,2.8,4.2,5.6)as measured time diff
(1) is the ideal case as it satisfies Toggle duration of (Thread 1->1.4 ms,Thread 2->2.8ms,Thread 3->4.2ms&Thread 4->5.6ms) accordin to my calculation..
(2) (Thread 1->2.8 ms,Thread 2->1.4ms,Thread 3->4.2ms&Thread 4->5.6ms) this is absurd bcos i expected that the 2 ms delay_ms in the code would be ignored while the timer has to run the thread 1 only for 1.4 ms..??
can anyone help me in understand how the interrupt handles the threads in the second case????
I actually used two different programs one introducing delay(_delay_ms(2)) in thread/TASK 1 and other without delay in THread/TASK 1.
i do not understand why the setting of the LED to On or off differs when I use delay_ms(2) as shown in the code.i expected that the 2 ms delay_ms in the code would be ignored while the timer has to run the thread 1 only for 1.4 ms.
Since OCR is set to 1 TIMER0 interrupt is called every 139 us~140us.. I am using a timer counter in my code such that each thread is called at 10x140us,,20X140us,,30X140us,,40X140us...
The (1) Oscilloscope Pic shows the toggling without delay and
The (2) Oscill pic shows toggling without a delay.. pic with (1.4,2.8,4.2,5.6)as measured time diff
(1) is the ideal case as it satisfies Toggle duration of (Thread 1->1.4 ms,Thread 2->2.8ms,Thread 3->4.2ms&Thread 4->5.6ms) accordin to my calculation..
(2) (Thread 1->2.8 ms,Thread 2->1.4ms,Thread 3->4.2ms&Thread 4->5.6ms) this is absurd bcos i expected that the 2 ms delay_ms in the code would be ignored while the timer has to run the thread 1 only for 1.4 ms..??
can anyone help me in understand how the interrupt handles the threads in the second case????
Code C - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <util/delaynew.h> /* function declaration */ unsigned long int frequencygenerator(unsigned long int a); # define F_CPU 1830000UL volatile int thread=4,s,t=10; int main (void) { s=0; DDRA=0xFF; DDRE=0xFF; DDRB =0xFF; // Set LED as output /**** this timer initialisation of TIMER0 is uused to activate the Timer counters that will be used for TIMING SYNC in main programm**/ TIMSK|=(1<<OCIE0);// OCR0 = 1; TCCR0|=(1<<CS00)|(1<<CS02)|(1<<WGM01)|(1<<COM00);//////CTC mode Prescaler set to 128 so that every 139 us timer0 interrupt is called. sei(); while(1){ // THREAD 1 =========================================== if(thread == 1){ PORTB|=(1<<PORTB6); _delay_ms(2); // this delay is used in only 2nd case...1st case is without delay instruction. } // THREAD 2 =========================================== if (thread == 2){ PORTB&=~(1<<PORTB6); } if (thread == 3){ PORTB|=(1<<PORTB6); } if (thread == 4){ PORTB&=~(1<<PORTB6); } } } ISR(TIMER0_COMP_vect) { s=s+1;//// each +1 counter adds 139 us to the OCR counter if(s==t) { if (thread==4){ thread=1; t=10; ////// t=10 implies 10 * 139 us is waiting time }else if (thread==1){ thread=2; t=20; ////// t=20 implies 20 * 139 us is waiting time }else if(thread==2) { thread =3; t=30;} ////// t=30 implies 30 * 139 us is waiting time else {thread=4; t=40;} ////// t=40 implies 40 * 139 us is waiting time s=0; } }
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