[SOLVED] Problem with hyperterminal & pic18f45k20 communication

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Newbie level 3
Feb 22, 2011
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I'm trying to get my pic to send the words "YES" & "NO" to the communication window that appears when you're running Hyperterminal . There's nothing specifically wrong with my code, I've echoed the words I'd like to send back to my RX pin on the chip and it reflects that they're recieved. But when I try using Hyperterminal to display the above (I'm using a USB-serial port cable(DB9)), nothing appears. I've set the correct Baud Rate and all.

I just noticed something just now, when I was playing around with the pin 2 on the USB-serial Port cable, I had a copper line coming from my MAX232 chip and I kept brushing it up and down against pin 2(my transmission pin), the hyperterminal window responds, it prints the words above but they come out with a host of characters undesirable.For instance I see things like:

&*&^%%#$#YES%%$#@+_)(&NO******-+/... and so on

and when I do not rub it against pin2 and just simply leave them in contact, nothing happens.

why is it doing this?Has anybody ever experienced the same problem and how did they go about fixing it. Much appreciation for any help. One Love.
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can you put the picture of the copper line from max232 IC.. I think the track has come off or got cut.. and when you rub then the connection gets established...

can you put the picture of the copper line from max232 IC.. I think the track has come off or got cut.. and when you rub then the connection gets established...

No, the problem was not the copper wire. This was just a wire I cut from a cable and was using it on my project board to establish connection between circuit components.

However, THANKFULLY,I managed to solve my problem just this morning. It occured to me last evening that I may be supplying improper voltage to the MAX232 chip, because I already knew that my USB-serial pORT cable was fine from a previous test I ran on it. I was using the default voltage on the PICKIT3, typically sent to the 44pin demo-boards they come with. This morning I just simply increased that voltage to its allowed maximum, 3.5V, and I got a significantly good response. and another problem was the space ASCII equivalent character (I believe this is 0x20)-for some reason, this was ruining my display with the strange characters, I used a horizontal tab(0x09) and the results were more than good.


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