Problem with DC motor controls (leakage on the relay)

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Newbie level 3
Sep 12, 2006
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dc motor controls

Pls help

I'm building a dc motor control for robot using 2 relay to control left and right motor and 1 battery. The relays were driven by signal coming from micro p.
The problem is when i set for left movement or right movement (either relay 1 is ON or relay 2 is ON) it doesnt give what exactly suppose to be. The motors still keeps ON but lower speed compared for the forward movement. It seems there is leakage on the relay.

Is this symtoms called inductive feedback ???

pls help.

Re: dc motor controls

Difficult to guess ..
I wouldn't suspect RLY's "leakage" ..

The best thing to do is to capture the circuit diagram from the real model and post it here ..


Re: dc motor controls

hi saifful...

i think one possible solution is to place diode between ur microcontroller and relay...
and fr relay to motor.. to prevent any back current...

gud luck!

Re: dc motor controls

Thanks for the advises!!!!!!!!

Re: dc motor controls

To be true, I can't imagine how to achieve reversable operation of a DC motor with two relays (unless each relay has two contacts). If we are talking of mechanical relays with real contacts, it has been yet unknown that they could show a "leakage". The relay may be defective, but that's something different, I think.

Re: dc motor controls

In addition, when he passes this problem he will face another one, two motors control for right and left will surely make the robot drift to either direction. A "tach" signal will be needed from right and left gears to feedback to the micro to correct the direction.

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