Problem, Spartan-III and Parallel 3 interface and iMPACT?

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Big Boy

Full Member level 4
Jan 19, 2004
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I've seen a vew messages on the Net here and there, and I'm having problem with a Spartal-III eval board.

I have an eval board with a Parallel-III interface. The JTAG chain goes like this:

TDI ---> XCF02S ---> XC3S400FG456 --->TDO

When I use the Xilinx iMPACT software (6.2.03i), while I have an design loaded on the FPGA, I can not get reliable communication. IDCODE looping fail under 150 loops. If I hold the FPGA in PROG mode (or if it doesn't have anything loaded), then IDCODE looping work flawlessly.

I tried with a Parallel-IV cable (which I have access to where I work) and in any case, everything is fine all the way...

At first, I taught that it was some noise generated by the FPGA (while runing) which was affecting communications. The Parallel-III circuitry is built onto the board, requiring just a straight cable between PC and the board. However, I tried everything I could (adding de-coupling capacitors, trying different resistors values, ...) and yet, the results stayed the same.

I even took extensive look with a good digital scope and found nothing that could explain the issue (all the signals are clear, no noise, sharp edge, ...).

Looking closely, I found that the config flash (XCF02S) seem to work correctly. It is like if the FPGA just simply doesn't take an instruction (BYPASS or IDCODE depending on which device I IDCODE loop). Then, for example, if I IDCODE loop the flash, then at some point, you see the data (actual ID CODE) coming out of the flash, but not passing through the FPGA. It is as if the TDO output of the FPGA 'Freeze'. Nothing come out of the FPGA at that instent but a bunch of all-ones.

The board also have an header for a 'real' parallel-III cable. I build an equivalent on breadboard and guess what, I get the same failures when accessing JTAG chain while the FPGA is running. IDCODE looping under 100~200 loops.

Looking on the Net, I saw some refferences on people complaining about this mixture of iMPACT/Parallel-III/Spartan.

Does anybody experienced similar problems with a Parallel-III cable and iMPACT?

Re: Problem, Spartan-III and Parallel 3 interface and iMPACT

The JTAG pins on Spartan III devices are powered from VCCAUX, which is 2.5V, and parallel III interface (with simple 125s) cannot read 2.5V TDO from Spartan III, I think that there might be 3 solutions, first forget the JTAG, and use the Slave Serial mode, since Slave Serial mode pins are powered from VCCIO4 which can be 3.3V, and parallel III can do 3.3V programming. another solution is to use the method Xilinx specified to program Spartan III in 3.3V systems, and the third is to use some 2.5V->5V level shifter, something like HC4050 might do...

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