Problem on running phase noise simulation in Hspice

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Full Member level 5
Jul 23, 2005
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running phase

Dear all,

I want to simulate phase noise in Hspice.

I write a testing script as shown below.
.HBOSC tones=1.3e6 nharms=15 PROBENODE=clk_out,0,1.25 FSPTS=20,1.25e6,1.35e6
.PHASENOISE V(clk_out) DEC 10 10K 10MEG METHOD=0

.print hbosc vm(clk_out) vp(clk_out) vr(clk_out) vi(clk_out)
.print   phasenoise phnoise
.probe phasenoise phnoise
.probe hbosc v(clk_out) v(clk_out)

My oscillation frequency is 1.3MHz, so I set "tones=1.3e6," clk_out is the output node of the oscillator and 1.25 is a half of 2.5 of Vdd.
But, it takes me a lot of time on running simulation all the night.

Is anything going wrong in my script?

version hspice ? windows ? Linux ?

ch1k0 said:
version hspice ? windows ? Linux ?

Hspice 2008.03, Linux version

kind oscillator ?
vco lc, free running ?
ring oscillator ?
hspicerf works good hbosc and phasenoise for lc vco.
ring osc different.

ch1k0 said:
kind oscillator ?
vco lc, free running ?
ring oscillator ?
hspicerf works good hbosc and phasenoise for lc vco.
ring osc different.

ya, it's 5-stage ring oscillator.

increase nharms, 64 , 128, if hb.
ring osc best use sn, much harmonics.

Use shooting newton analysis prior to phase noise extraction instead of harmonic balance. Your ring oscillator is working at a frequency much lower than the highest significant harmonic.

Or try spectre instead of hspicerf.

hi..I have designed a 10ghz LC oscillator and i need the code to measure its phase noise. can anybody please help me?

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