Problem of install cadence 5033 & 5141 on SUSE10

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Dec 4, 2005
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cadence 5141 installation cdrom 3

I tried to install cadence 5033 and 5141 on SUSE 10, encounted with problems,
1) when run ./ stop before start the softload. for
-/bin/tar :-b can not find the file.
-fail due to delaied.

2) i tried to start the softload at the target file, can install but can;t run at last.

io_fltr: relocation error:

you can find a lot of topics on edaboard site where you can find some solutions for this problem ...just use search button

Using RH 7.3 will solve your problem

people...stop with this recomandation. what you can make under rh 7.3 if you have a good pc ? you will have a lot of problem with your hardware and belive me not so easy to solve all problems between old red hat and newest hardware
In the attachment you have the tutorial from one of the link I give you (in case you are to busy to search that topic )

hi pentiumiv,
i had the same problems. the work-around is to:
1. run SETUP.SH --> the error occures
2. change the directory to the installation dir;
- there is an install folder with the softload bin
- execute the softload while the cdrom is still mounted and the error will not occure


1. After doing a ./setup <-- error did occur
2. When running ./softload <-- the above error occurred.

Please advice thank you.

man ...
start your installation from where you want , but when you will need to start the softload , do this from the installation direrctory . change your bin.lnx86 with that directory from the archive I have attachet for you . before you start the cadence installation please install ncompress .
let me know if you need more help.

Thanks for the good instructions.

However, the installation required 3 discs however I had only 2. But certainly the instructions were great kickstarted the process.

This problem came from your GNU tar is too new! Downgrade your tar program to earlier version will solve your trouble.

I liked ur file very much .. but does this apply to other tools from cadence that can't run under RH9 .. or even other distro's like CentOS 4.x ..
Actually I'm trying to install CentOS 3.5 on my new laptop and as u said, I'm having very hard time detecting my hardware though 3.5 is considered late .. I'm now thinking of installing 4.2 but I'm afraid SOC Encounter 4.2 won't run on it .. what's ur opinion about that ??

The thing is that after i install IC 5.0.33 (no USR's at all) i get an error about symbol errno and things like that. What can i do to run IC on SuSE without probs?

denexp said:
The thing is that after i install IC 5.0.33 (no USR's at all) i get an error about symbol errno and things like that. What can i do to run IC on SuSE without probs?
Install RHEL lol

try with export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1(when using bash) usually it solves most of the problems.

Thanks for the info about SUSE10 and IC5033. I would like to ask a question. When you say run sofload from the bin directory, it gives a list of things. One of them is load. I load and then it asks me about the location of the cdrom1 I give it the path to it which is cadence/IC5033/cdrom1 in my case. However, it doesnt like it, it keeps saying can not find it. I give it cadence/IC5033/cdrom1/images.dir and still wont accept it. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
Also this ncompress that you mention, is it important to download? How do I get it and install it on suse10?
Any detail help will be appreciated.


I installed 5033 using SUSE 9.0 , and worked perfectly, and then i maked an upgrade at SUSE 9.3, and used LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4 and worked !!!! i supose should work for SUSE 10 to .

I have been getting error message on Suse10 with IC5141. If without LD_ASSUME_KERNEL, I get the famous GLIBC_2.0 error message. If with the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL, I get this error message:

lmgrd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

anyone interested to help me solve this problem?

Hi everybody, thanks a lot for the post, it is great, thank you very much.

I have the problem that wchu commented before, but it gives some error in media_cntrl: line 292, please if you could help me, I would be so grateful. I am using ubuntu dapper I have followed all the instructions of modifying the source code of softload up to here and download ncompress Thanks!

/home/abelardo/discod/linuxapp/cadence/install/bin.lnx86/media_cntrl: line 292: 10421 Fallo de segmentación $readCmnd 2>$ddlog
81+1 records in
81+1 records out
dd: I/O error
/home/abelardo/discod/linuxapp/cadence/install/bin.lnx86/media_cntrl: line 292: 10458 Fallo de segmentación $readCmnd 2>$ddlog
81+1 records in
81+1 records out
dd: I/O error
./softload: line 1412:
Could not extract information from FS.0 of CD#1.
Could not get platform or release information: orden no encontrada
/home/abelardo/discod/linuxapp/cadence/install/bin.lnx86/media_cntrl: line 292: 10495 Fallo de segmentación $readCmnd 2>$ddlog
81+1 records in
81+1 records out
dd: I/O error

try to test your ncompress . I think this not work .

YOU CAN TRT Ubuntu 6.06 or 6.10.

good luck

Hi hoangdoang,

I am having the same problem.

How did you solve the problem.

I have ic5033 installation CDs in 3 folders on the HDD (/home/username/Cadence/Base/cdrom1..2..3) in RH9.

I read the instructions in the "How to install Cadence IC5.0.33 under Linux RedHat9" thread here on edaboard at

I executed and halted softload and modified io_fltr.c, process_file.c and vld.

Then I executed softload from /usr/eda/cadence/ic5.0.33/install/bin.lnx86

Then I chose "Load Available Products" -> "Local" -> "other" for Secify CD-ROM mount point...

It requests

"Type the CD-ROM mount point: [ /home/username/Cadence/Base/cdrom1 ]"

I input the same path once again.

But now it says

Unable to read media /home/username/Cadence/Base/cdrom1
Try to read media /home/username/Cadence/Base/cdrom1 again [y/n]?

But when "y" is given it repeats the same thing.

I am unable to uinderstand where the problem is.

It seems to be some sort of a trivial error. But I am unable to sole the issue.

I tried reading the script in softload, getInstMedia, media_iFace and a couple of other files but could not resolve this issue. Maybe it assumes the the path is mountable or something?

Could you please help me?

Thank you very much.

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