Practical electronics book required

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Newbie level 5
Feb 10, 2013
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Hi Everyone ,

May be this is a stupid question but worth asking the experts ...

For the years i have always gained theoretical knowledge about electronics but my practical electronics is very very bad ...
i am looking for a book which is more focussed on practical electronics and design considerations.. i mean not that deep in to electron and hole movement but not giving a finished circuit and just telling this works..

can anyone suggest me a book for practical electronics with the theory of explanation ?

Thanks in advance ..


The best practical electronics book is you and your patience. You are better off learning by doing instead reading. Buy book with electronics projects or borrow one from library and do your little project experiment. You can also simulate project on pc. Reading a book is nothing compared to doing by trial and error (of course if you are working with safe voltage/current range - use battery only). Note that PC simulation of the circuit does not necesserily simulate real circuit.

The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill is a bit old now but is one of the few books with enough theory to be useful without being 'over the top'.


And if you're wondering which book to buy (or borrow)... get the ARRL Handbook! ( They come out every year, and any of them within the past decade will be sufficiently contemporary to use as a guide to some meaningful dabbling.

They are strongly biassed towards radio, but there's tons of gold to be mined in other (generic) areas in there too - amplifiers, filters, power supplies, digital logic etc etc.
*Don't* get too caught up in simulation - aside from real circuits being more interesting (!), you'll gain greater intuitive insight by getting a few things wrong in practice and won't set yourself up for frustration when trying to find a real component that will match what your virtual ones can appear to do... (real 2N2222's don't dissipate watts of power at Vce=400V, for example
i thank everyone for your valuable suggestion .. will definitely get this book and try to understand the concepts and practice in real life...

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