Power/Energy meter that uses the cirrus CS5463 Issue

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Newbie level 2
Apr 27, 2009
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Power-Factor Issue

I have designed a Power/Energy meter that uses the cirrus CS5463 part. It works a treat - I think. The problem started when I used a Xitron $17K Power Analyser to check its calibration.

The reference load was a heat gun - half wave rectified element and DC motor - yes a crappy load I agree but people use these things and might want to know the Power-Factor - hopefully we can help them..........

The data for realW, apparentVA, ARMS & PF for the Xitron versus my unit are
1) 878W, 1249VA, 5.094A, 0.7029
2) 873W, 957VA, 3.908A, 0.912

My Tektronix TrueRMS says 3.8883ARMS - unless it is set to AC+DCRMS then it says 5.08ARMS

My question is which answer is more/only correct? The xitron uses shunts not current transformer so its not a saturation issue. Both answers are feasible and yield the correct true power from the sum of the VA and PF - but I am sure both cant be correct ?

I always assumed VRMS x IRMS was VA I dont remember learning anything about DC offset except for saturation of tranformers - which are not involved (ok to a miniscule amount) here.

FYI if I turn off the HPF in the Cirrus part I get the same results as the Xitron - but is that the right answer ? We are being supplied AC and measuring the AC energy warts and all should I need to turn on the DC pass option.

Thanking you in advance for any help offered.

Re: Power-Factor Issue

Total RMS current is 5.08A. The 3,88A comes from a feature of the used meter, when we can measure the RMS value of only AC part. Since your load is connected via half-wave rectifier there always be significant DC part and we should use AC+DC setting for proper measuring it.

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