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hfss port
Thanks for reading this! I have a problem with definining a port in HFSS 9.2. My intend is to just understand this program for the first time. The example I want to simulate is a simple 50 Ohm microstrip line of a certain lenght. Top layer is the strip (PEC), than a substrate (some Rogers epsr=2.2) and a groundplane (PEC) on the bottom. All layers have the same length, so all front faces are in the same plane. Around it all, with a little distance, I put a vacuum cuboid defining five faces of it as radiation boundary (RAD1) and the bottom face as perfect E with infinit groundplane. I want to excite the microstrip on one side and leave the other one open to see the caracteristic maxima & minima in the S11-plot. To define a waveport, I selected the front face of the strip and of the groudplane. I choose "assign excitation" and defined a "new line" straight drom the lower edge fof the strip front face to the upper edge of the groundplane front face. It says that it is valid. Now I simulated within a wide range of frequency 1-10GHz. The lenght of the strip was choosen the way that I have to see maxim & minima of the open line. But that is not the case. I can plot a XY-graph of S11 but it not at all behaves as expected. I get a S11-paramteter around -0.00001 dB. I tried the same with a lumped port but it tells me: [error] Port refinement, process abc3d : "LumpPort1" is incorrectly set up. A gap source will be short circuited by conductors. I went through manuals and available workshop pages, but didn't really find a satisfying answer. Who knows what is wrong and probably could tell me how to it right. I want to understand that!
Thanks so much everybody!
I attached my file.
Thanks for reading this! I have a problem with definining a port in HFSS 9.2. My intend is to just understand this program for the first time. The example I want to simulate is a simple 50 Ohm microstrip line of a certain lenght. Top layer is the strip (PEC), than a substrate (some Rogers epsr=2.2) and a groundplane (PEC) on the bottom. All layers have the same length, so all front faces are in the same plane. Around it all, with a little distance, I put a vacuum cuboid defining five faces of it as radiation boundary (RAD1) and the bottom face as perfect E with infinit groundplane. I want to excite the microstrip on one side and leave the other one open to see the caracteristic maxima & minima in the S11-plot. To define a waveport, I selected the front face of the strip and of the groudplane. I choose "assign excitation" and defined a "new line" straight drom the lower edge fof the strip front face to the upper edge of the groundplane front face. It says that it is valid. Now I simulated within a wide range of frequency 1-10GHz. The lenght of the strip was choosen the way that I have to see maxim & minima of the open line. But that is not the case. I can plot a XY-graph of S11 but it not at all behaves as expected. I get a S11-paramteter around -0.00001 dB. I tried the same with a lumped port but it tells me: [error] Port refinement, process abc3d : "LumpPort1" is incorrectly set up. A gap source will be short circuited by conductors. I went through manuals and available workshop pages, but didn't really find a satisfying answer. Who knows what is wrong and probably could tell me how to it right. I want to understand that!
Thanks so much everybody!
I attached my file.