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please recommand some cad tools on drawing schematic

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Jun 28, 2005
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Hi, friend. Could any of you please suggest me some cad tools on drawing schematic. I mean those tools that can draw simple schematics,like visio. However, visio is a bit complex. Are there any simple and easy-to-use choice? Thank you in advance!!!

Syukri,could you please make it more clear? What is CMOS SE? Thank you.
And, it seems that all these tools are simultors? Right?

COSMOS SE is the schematic editor. Its a synopsis tool. Also you can use Schematic composer from CADENCE.

sunjiao3 said:
Hi, friend. Could any of you please suggest me some cad tools on drawing schematic. I mean those tools that can draw simple schematics,like visio. However, visio is a bit complex. Are there any simple and easy-to-use choice? Thank you in advance!!!

virtuoso scematic coposer from cadence is best choice to draw schematics,if u r looking for free downloads try SUE from micromagic it is pretty good with the support of verilog-A.

ORCAD or ECS are simple software to draw schematic.

Regarding COSMOS SE what means dead end tool?

I did not see any new schematic entry development the last 12 years! What dead ends should mean?

Are all entry tools are dead ends?

I found ECS or SCS or Laker AMS most useful because it allows grid based entry with all features for EDA and can export in vector MS clipboard. You can also switch off/on the displayed attributes.

For nonEDA entry Visio is the best because it can be set to a fixed grid and you built up an library.

Can I know more bout COSMOS drawback?

Well I'm using Star H-Spice before and i make a simulation using it.

When I use COSMOS SE the simulator engine also come from HSPICE file. the same library and modelling that i used for Star H-Spice netllist.

The result didint differ much when i run a same circuit using both ways ( netlist on hspice) and ( shematic entry using COSMOS )

Does this means that H-Spice netlist is also undependable.

There are many tools can do that.
The question is what style you like?
I like virtuoso schematic editing.


There are several options available:
free --> Geda tools
If you are in the university or ork in a company that can buy some of the comercila tools the best option is Composer schemaic from cadence where the most updated version is available in tha package IC5141 USR3

Well i dont know...for me H-Spice is the most basis.

Sice my work start from scratch ( making IP's) then the update version is not so important to long a it's keep my work simple it's ok.

Cadance is the best i know, but the need to connect all the vdd and ground to all the device is just to many and the circuit will look too crowded.

In cosmos i'll just assigend it using global node and it didn't display the wire

for me my head just feel relive looking at a clearer schematics.

I like to keep the trouble in my head not in screen :D

orcad is the most easy tools, which function include draw schematic and simulation.

1cadence ic tools
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