[SOLVED] PICKIT2 clone silly problemssss, please help

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Mar 15, 2011
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DIY pickit2 clone problems
Hello everyone.
I`m a just Pickit-beginner. I actually built DIY PICKIT2 clone as followed a circuit schematic on Programming PIC18F
And I also built JDM2 programmer due to an egg-chick problem on that clone, source from JDM2 PIC 18F Programmer

I spent whole week with them and am almost crying now because it is not working properly. I need some helps from you, experts.

Firstly, the bootloader to start clone, PIC18f2550 was programmed by PK2V023200.hex. I tried this hex file in several times with JDM2 and PICPGM software but when it is verified it came up something like "Verify error occufied " then exit automatically.
If I want to solve this problem, do I have to madify something on the JDM2 circuit ?

Second, I tried another hex file ,PK2V023201.hex. This was worked well with JDM programmer as successfully. Then I put pic18f2550 chip into PICKIT2 clone that I built and connected to USB-com. However, my laptop did not read my CLONE, looks like a problem of compatibility, I think.

To figure this out, I checked the home made-clone circuit so many times whether it is soldered right but it seems ok.
I still do not know what the problems are.................

is the problem home made-clone circuit? or voltage supply? or software?
Please help me.... give me some clues....

Thank you,
I`ll leave the schematics I used.

Are you sure that the hex file is written correctly?

Check the supply voltage of 18F

It could be easier if you can post photos of the hardware which you had done.
Reactions: ksay2k


    Points: 2
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Here are my home made clone. It looks like bit of messy but seems fine anyway.

So can you see what the problem is?

The assembling is done on general PCB's and thus May have some errors. Re- check every line with multimeter in continuity mode. Which version of the Pickit2 programming software you are using? What error is displayed while you pluging the programmer?
Reactions: ksay2k


    Points: 2
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Thank you. I have found the problems and solved all of them. Now it is successfully connected and I tested to burn some program with 16F84A and it worked well.
To make sure it, I have Vdd Pickit2 is between 3.8~4.2v and Vpp is 11.9v, is it OK?
Anyway, I now feel like having a very powerful device..
Thank you again.
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The Vdd to the target should be more than what you have said. Usually it will be 4.5+. Use 1N5819 diode which connects the USB + to the ICSP + (Vdd pin). getting 11.9 Vpp is ok. Cheers and good luck.

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