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[PIC] PIC32MZ support is missing in microC PRO for PIC32 ? How to compile for PIC32MZ?

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Full Member level 3
Full Member level 3
Aug 2, 2015
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I am using microC PRO for PIC32 v.3.5.0 (free version).
But this tool has support only for PIC32MX, and not for PIC32MZ.
How can I compile for PIC32MZ? Please help! I tought that PIC32MZ is a PIC32, isn't it?

How can I compile for PIC32MZ?

It appears you will need to update to version 3.6.0:

Additional 24 MCU supported:
PIC32MZ1024ECG064 PIC32MZ1024ECG100 PIC32MZ1024ECG124
PIC32MZ1024ECG144 PIC32MZ1024ECH064 PIC32MZ1024ECH100
PIC32MZ1024ECM064 PIC32MZ1024ECH124 PIC32MZ1024ECH144
PIC32MZ1024ECM100 PIC32MZ1024ECM124 PIC32MZ1024ECM144
PIC32MZ2048ECG064 PIC32MZ2048ECG100 PIC32MZ2048ECG124
PIC32MZ2048ECG144 PIC32MZ2048ECH064 PIC32MZ2048ECH100
PIC32MZ2048ECH124 PIC32MZ2048ECH144 PIC32MZ2048ECM064
PIC32MZ2048ECM100 PIC32MZ2048ECM124 PIC32MZ2048ECM144

Or download Microchip's XC32.

Oh, so there are actually two compilers?
1. Microchip's XC32
2. 3.6.0 version of MikroC PRO for PIC32 ?
What's are the differences between them? Are they using the same compiler or not? Which is better (for free)?

I also have a similar problem, the PIC32MZ is not supported by MPLABX. AS this is a fairly new chip maybe they have not got around to doing this yet?

pjmelect: The latest version of MPLAB X (V3.10 released 28/8/2015) shows support for a number of PIC32MZ devices (look in the "Device Support.html in the release notes). The typical way Microchip work is to issue a new version of the IDE (and firmware for the PICKit3 and other pf their programmers) when a new family of devices (or members) is released. Therefore, if you are dealing with a new MCU, make sure that you have the latest IDE (and compiler if you want the correct headers etc.) as well.
K33rg4t3: yes they are different compilers as they come from difference companies. Whether or not they have the same based compiler customised by each company I have no idea. One area of difference I have noticed with the Microchip and MikroC compilers can be in the names used for the registers and the register bits (based on observations of peoples' code for the PIC24/dsPIC33 style chips and I assume this is true for the PIC32 families as well).

I also have a similar problem, the PIC32MZ is not supported by MPLABX. AS this is a fairly new chip maybe they have not got around to doing this yet?

Sure it does, as Susan indicated you'll need to download the latest version of both the MPLAB X IDE and XC32 Compiler, currently v3.10 and v1.40 respectfully.

Also, if you like the libraries provided by the Mikro C Pro line of compilers, be sure to download and install Microchip's Harmony for automated code generation and development:

**broken link removed**

If you would like to development in C++, Microchip also offers a free XC32++ compiler as well.


Oh, so there are actually two compilers?
1. Microchip's XC32
2. 3.6.0 version of MikroC PRO for PIC32 ?
What's are the differences between them? Are they using the same compiler or not? Which is better (for free)?

If I were you, I would select Microchip's Software tools.
If you are familiar with MikroC, you don't need to switch.

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