Pic24fj128ga010 programming to UART & I2C

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Re: Pic24fj128ga010 programming to UART & I2C

Horace 1:
Thanks a lot ..!
I'm done with UART, n now
In this same project i need to configure "I2C"...

Can u help me by getting me a program..!???

Re: Pic24fj128ga010 programming to UART & I2C

Horace 1:
Thanks a lot ..!
I'm done with UART, n now
In this same project i need to configure "I2C"...

Can u help me by getting me a program..!???

there are several examples of I2C for the PIC24 on Microchip's example code page
**broken link removed**

what are you trying to communicate with?
Re: Pic24fj128ga010 programming to UART & I2C

Horace 1 :

thanks a lot..!
right now i'm able to execute the program..!!!

But,I still need to configure I2C for the same stuff's..>!!

Can u help me here???

Horace 1 :

i'm actually working on a project in which I need to config both UART & I2C ports so that using Microcontroller PIC24FJ128GA010 mounted on Explorer 16 board..
Aft doing this stuffs i should use this to get information about the smart battery lik, if i give some codes in pc,i should receive some info abt the battery....
(0x66 code - battery charge %age, etc...)
I do've those codes...

But it would be helpful if i get a prog as i got it for UART????

Do u'v any...........??? !

Re: Pic24fj128ga010 programming to UART & I2C

horace 1:

should i club this prog with the UART???
O only this prog mentioned above makes my project done???

If i need to club, any changes to be made ??

Re: Pic24fj128ga010 programming to UART & I2C

horace 1 :

with the link given above i cn't program cuz i'm using UART in-between i2c n pc...

So, i need a program in which i config both UART n i2c so that i can send command codes of the battery to via pc-UART-i2c-smart battery the back from samrt battery-i2c-UART-pc...!..........????

Re: Pic24fj128ga010 programming to UART & I2C

Could you help me How to use "UART2GetString(char *str , int length)" in "// main program code" , please ?
I am a beginner so it's too difficult to use that ! Thank you so much !
Sincerely !

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