Newbie level 3
Despite reading the spec sheet (and especially section 14.13.2) and although carefully following the steps, I cannot seem to get CCP1 pin RC2 to output a PWM signal.
All though there are many possible complex PWM bridge output configurations, I would really like to know how many single-output simple PWM's are possible.
My code attempt to get CCP1 RC2 TMR4 to work:
I can see with the initialization below that TMR4 is counting and overlowing, but RC2 pin stays always at Vss.
All though there are many possible complex PWM bridge output configurations, I would really like to know how many single-output simple PWM's are possible.
My code attempt to get CCP1 RC2 TMR4 to work:
I can see with the initialization below that TMR4 is counting and overlowing, but RC2 pin stays always at Vss.
Code C - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 void PWM1Setup(void)// CCP1 cbit2 using TMR4 { TRISC2=0; //PWM requires the PWM pin TRIS'd as output //Select 8-bit Timer TMR4: Choices for CCP1 are TMR2/TMR4/TMR6,using CxTSEL<1:0> bits of CCPTMRS0 //C1TSEL=0x01; //TMR4 selected options are: 10=TMR6 00=TMR2 01=TMR4 CCPTMRS0=(CCPTMRS0 & 0xFC); //Mask to leave C3TSEL and C2TSEL unchanged CCPTMRS0=(CCPTMRS0 | 0x01); //C1TSEL=0x01 TMR4 selected /* T4CON Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ x 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 TxOUTPS<3:0> POSTSCALER 1:2 to 1:16 TMxOn PRESCALER 1:1=00 01=1:4 1x1:/16 */ T4CON=0b00001100; //CCP1CON holds duty cycle LSb in bits<5:4>LSbs, but CCPR1L=MSbits CCP1CON=0;//(CCP1CON & 0xCF); //Mask P1M bits, MSbits of DCyc=0, CPR1H not used PR4=0xFF; //overflow count 0XFF for 10-bit resolution for any PWM freq. CCP1IE=0; // Disable CCP1 IRQ enable not used for PWM only mode //For 10-bit resolution, Switching P/S inductor must be >900uH/18v //19.53KHz period approx 50uSec >600UH/12v TMR4IE = 0; // enable TIMER4 interrupt PEIE = 1; // enable peripheral interrupts TMR4ON = 1; //Turn on TMR4 used for duty cycle period } //setting duty cycle: DCyc is set in the low-priority isr that is working ok, periodically triggered at 100uSec using TMR0: //--------------------SET PWM Duty Cycle------------------------------- CCP1CONbits.DC1B0 = DCyc & 1; //set low bit CCP1CONbits.DC1B1 = (DCyc >> 1) & 1; //set second lowest CCPR1L = (DCyc >> 2); //sets DCycH hi 8 hi-bits TMR4IF=0; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //main() initialization: void main(void) { Init_PIC(); Init_TMR0(); PWM1Setup();//Setup CCP1 cbit2 PWM IPEN =1; //Priority interrupts enabled TMR0IE=1; TMR0ON=1; TMR0IP=0; TMR4IP=0; TMR4ON=1; TMR4IP=0; TMR4IE=0; CCP1IE=0; //these settings may not be necessary CCP1IP=0; // PIE1=1; //Not Needed for TMRx // PIE2=1; //Not Needed for TMRx PLLEN =1; PEIE =1; //Needed for TMRx interrupts GIEL=1; //Enables Low-Priority if GIEH/GIE=1 GIEH=1; //Ok to use INTCONbits.GIE = 1; to enable all interrupts //======================== START ======================================= Start: DCyc=500; goto Start; //I have set RC6 pin to toggle on/off, verified TMR0 IRQ's are fine, TMR4 counter is running and overflowing. //but RC2 stays at Vss }
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