[SOLVED] PIC18f452, GPS and LCD

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Mar 7, 2008
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pic18f452 gps

I'm using PIC18f452 using C language for my project. I want to display NMEA code from my Gps receiver (garmin) to the LCD via rs232. I write my code using MPlab and simulate the project using Proteus but cant seem to get it working.Can some1 help me with the c code..thankz.

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max232 connect to the pic18f452

I read from 1 of the thread here in EDAboard..saying that the COMPIM already have max232 and we dont need to add another one.
pic18f452 ttl level


First, what GPS are you using. Check the tx/rx signal level of that GPS Interface. If it is a GPS module, you dont need a MAX232. If it is a commercial GPS with a rs232 interface, you need convert that rs232 signals to ttl/cmos levels using a MAX232... so, check first your GPS interface features...

For example, im just starting with a Trimble Copernicus GPS Module, it dont need a level converter (max232), it interface to a PIC16F877A and works fine.

Best regards.......
pic18f452 max232 project

Where Sources of 18F452
pic18f452 code lcd

please try communication of GPS with hyperterminal only. Just connect GPS to PC serial port, Power oN GPS (3.3V) and see if you get the output on the hyperterminal if you get it then you have avhieved 80% of what you want then it is easy to write a program of only receiving the data from GPS serially and sending it to LCD.

gps pic18f452

yes you need max232 if your connection with GPS doesnt suitable with TTL. 18F452 understand serial TTL

rs232 cable connect gps to pc serial port

For GPS from fastrax (GRAMIN) it does not require MAX 232. I gave teh tx and rx from the GPS directly to MAX232 and from there to controller. It works fine. So max at both ends is not required.
the received data from controller was sent to PC through same MAX used for controller.

pic18f452 project

I think you need to understand how the COMPIM model actually works - help file attached.


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