PIC18F C Compiler recommendations

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Newbie level 6
Mar 7, 2011
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I downloaded MicroChip's C18 last spring, used it to learn/familiarize self for Pic18F programming in C. The time trial passed before I even learned what a function was.......but I plodded onward with the limited capabilities still available to me. Things were fine until........ I needed two interrupts! POOP happened!!!

No matter what approach I tried I got only:

The procedural abstraction optimization is not supported
in the academic version.

Errors: 0
Warnings: 0
Executing: "C:\Program Files\Microchip\mplabc18\v3.40\bin\mplink.exe" /p18F4550 /l"C:\Program Files\Microchip\mplabc18\v3.37.01\lib" "18f4550_g.lkr" "my pic.o" /u_CRUNTIME /u_DEBUG /z__MPLAB_BUILD=1 /z__MPLAB_DEBUG=1 /o"my pic.cof" /M"my pic.map" /W
MPLINK 4.40, Linker
Device Database Version 1.3
Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
Error - section 'low_vector' can not fit the absolute section. Section 'low_vector' start=0x00000018, length=0x00000006
Errors : 1

Link step failed.

Yes, I am satisfied with Microchip's C18 but that is my only exposure to Pic compilers. And that product is $500 big ones! Hi-Tech is in the same price category. CCS also has one in the same price category. I do not want another experiment with another LITE compiler.

I checked out SourceBoost Compilers for a reasonable <$100 price. Claim to be fully compatible with C18............but I learned from one of their forums, it takes 15+ minutes to compile and link!!!! Unreasonable!

MiKroC also has compilers for $250....not free but much less expensive than $500! I have about 700 lines of current code, maybe another 4-500 needed. The last thing I want to do is purchase anything that proves to be inadequate. ANY RECOMMENDATIONS??? If my options are limited, guess I will have to purchase one of the expensive compilers.:roll:


i am also using Microcode studio for programming in pic 18f families.
demoversion is easily available in which u will not able to compile programs above 31 lines.

Microcode studio was one of the easiest programming software and it will be really easy to work than other soft wares.
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Is procedural abstraction optimisation really needed to have more than one interrupt? Have you turned off the optimisation?

If so, you could possibly fix the problem with a bit of assembler.

You could look at the Wiz-C compiler suggested by Brian PIC C Compilers and development ki...



"The Standard-Eval Version is free! It has all the features of the full compiler and libraries. After 60 days, the optimizations related to procedural abstraction and to the extended instruction set of the newer PIC18XXXX devices will be disabled." From Microchip.

I have a 20% 30 day discount coupon from Microchip that was in my email at the end of January. It can be applied to either C18 or Hi-Tech. I don't like spending this much ($400 with the coupon) for a compiler. After considering my options including what I already know about C18, my intent now is to just go ahead and purchase it.

Funny you should mention assembly. I have a veeery limited programming background, one that started last year. I long ago decided to avoid assembly pain. This morning though, I downloaded some Pic assembly tutorials. I HATE THE STUFF. My likes and dislikes though will not change the importance of having assembly knowledge. It is too powerful to ignore.


Microchip has purchased Hi-Tech and is slowly, but steadily combining features of both companies compilers and phasing out Hi-Tech Compilers as they release major revisions.

Only the Hi-Tech C Compilers for the PIC18 and PIC10/PIC12/PIC16 families are still being offered.

You can download both remaining Hi-Tech C Compilers for free, the only restriction is reduced optimization:

**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**

Actually, there is a third Hi-Tech C Compiler still being offered, the Enterprise Edition, of course the license is $3800. I believe Microchip is keep it around to appease current license holders. Although pricey, it not a bad deal if you develop with all the PIC families, eventually it will probably be known as Microchip C Compiler, Enterprise Edition.

As a user of the Hi-Tech line for many years, I'm sorry to see it go, I just hope Microchip incorporates many of Hi-Tech's features into new releases of their compilers.


I am aware of Microchip's purchase of Hi-Tech although I did not know they were phasing it out. That is very interesting! I have not placed my order yet, and unless it can be handled electronically, it will have to wait until after the weekend. I thought about ordering the Hi-Tech compiler instead of C18. I just want to avoid the subtleties of learning a new compiler. I have not heard any complaints about Hi-Tech. Looking back, maybe I should have gone with the Hi-Tech back at the beginning of my project.

If I did not have a 20% discount coupon that expires in less than 2 weeks, I might have tried the SourceBoost compiler for under $100. Again though, I do not want to spend a lot of time testing tools; I just want one that works.



I have licenses for both the Hi-Tech and the Microchip PIC18 C Compilers, they are both quite good. Microchip obviously purchased Hi-Tech to incorporated various technologies into their compilers. Microchip also has never had a viable C Compiler for the PIC10/12/16 family, at least not to my recollection.

Microchip is most likely attempting to form some sort of consistency between each of the compiler families, directives, linker options, etc.

You should be just fine with Microchip's C18, or whatever they are calling it these days.

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