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I have interfaced Maxbotix distance sensor with PIC18 through UART(without MAX232).
As per the datasheetof the sensor, it sends the Distance info in the form of R D0 D1 D2 D3 \r format, where D0-D3 represent distance in the ASCII char form.
When, I receive bytes on PIC, it is something unexpected. Always, I get the redundant data in RCBUF. I never receive R or \r at the start and end of message frame.
Kindly tell me, where might be the problem
As per the datasheetof the sensor, it sends the Distance info in the form of R D0 D1 D2 D3 \r format, where D0-D3 represent distance in the ASCII char form.
When, I receive bytes on PIC, it is something unexpected. Always, I get the redundant data in RCBUF. I never receive R or \r at the start and end of message frame.
Kindly tell me, where might be the problem