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what i have is a 16F877 & MAX3100 (Saving PIC's USART For Something Down The Road) I'm trying to send a simple "Hello" message to my rs232 port on my PC which I have RealTerm monitoring the port but having no luck getting it to work... this being my first project ever working with pic's I thought it would be a little easier then this lol so time to swallow my pride and ask for some help. When I power up the chip the led does flash also connected with pickit3 for debugging and ive followed the code using the step function and it seems to be pushing the letters into SSPBUF but im not getting anything in RealTerm as of now I have no probes or scopes so no way of knowing if the spi is functioning properly to know if its making it to the 3100
here's what I've got so far *sorry for all the code comments like a said im just starting out so trying to remember what everything does
Setup like this pin connections are listed in header
PIC16F877 --> MAX3100 --> MAX3232CPE --> PC
(16mhz) (3.6864mhz)
project is also included, Thanks for any help to get this working.
here's what I've got so far *sorry for all the code comments like a said im just starting out so trying to remember what everything does
Setup like this pin connections are listed in header
PIC16F877 --> MAX3100 --> MAX3232CPE --> PC
(16mhz) (3.6864mhz)
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project is also included, Thanks for any help to get this working.
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