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pic program for zigbee

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faiz khan

Member level 1
Member level 1
Apr 30, 2015
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i need a program for interfacing zigbee to pic....Also i want to know about xbee in proteus and how it works

XBee and Zigbee work the same way. I have used XBees. You have to just write UART code for XBee communication as it uses Serial Communication Protocol. In Proteus You can have two PICs with one XBee connected to each PIC.

Connections is like this

PIC UART Tx to XBee Rx
PIC UART Rx to XBee Tx

In hardware if you are using 5V MCU then UART Tx pin should be connected to voltage divider and the voltage has to be dropped to around 3.)V and connected to XBees Rx pin.
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    Points: 2
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Thanks.can u provide me the code to read values and transmit through zigbee by pic...and other side pic will read that values through zigbee receiver and should display in lcd

Yes, I can post the code but it takes 1 or 2 days. Mention which Compiler you are using and what PIC and what Crystal frequency you are using.

i am using mikroc compiler,pic16f877a and crystal frequency is 8MHZ

Here I am attaching a working project. There are two Proteus files. One uses XBee model. Don't use that because it is not working. Use the other Proteus file. mikroC PRO PIC projects included.

When Send button is pressed it send data to receiver and receiver displays it on its LCD line 2. Press reset button of receiver to clear the LCD and try pressing the Send button again to see the working again.


  • XBee Communication.rar
    109.3 KB · Views: 131

this file is not opening....can you send me working file

You need winrar or winzip to open the file and extract it.

i mean the file is not opening in proteus ...both the files are not opening and proteus is automatically closing

The .rar file includes Circuit in image format. You redraw it. I have used Proteus 8.3 SP2 and it doesn't open in previous versions.

The file you provided is working fine.But i dont think its xbee implementation .it is direct connection...
For Xbee seperate library exists in proteus,do u know how to program pic to communicate through that module

In the file I posted there are two Proteus files. One uses direct connection and another uses XBee module. The one which uses XBee module doesn't work. I have to check why it doesn't work.

You mean Proteus file which has XBee module model ? If yes, I have already posted it but it is in Proteus 8.3 SP2 format and older versions of Proteus will not open it.

The model which you sent is not running and showing fatal error what might be the reason can tell me ??

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