pic 16f877a interfaced with nokia lcd

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Newbie level 2
Jun 4, 2012
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Hello everyone!

It's my first post here and i really need some help on my project! So i'm building a temperature sensor, using a lm35 sensor, a pic16f877a interfaced with a nokia 3310 lcd, programmed using pickit2. Obviously, i need the temperature to be shown on the LCD.

First of all, i'm a bit newbie programming, so I was having a hard time in the beggining, but with the help of my partner I was able to get things going on my simulation on Proteus. So everything was working perfect. Then I had some trouble making the connection between the pickit2 and the pic, since the pic wasn't recognized. I was able to solve those problems (with a lot of help from this forum, so thanks!) and I finally went forward to test everything today. The thing now is, nothing shows on the LCD. I really don't know if there's something wrong about the LCD, or i'm just doing it wrong. It's my first time in a project like this, i've never used a pic before, nor a LCD, and as i said i'm a bit newbie to all this, so i could really use some help :/

I can put here the schematics and simulation that I have on Proteus, and the code i'm using too, if it helps

Thanks :grin:


I remember to use that LCD also. After using it several times it stopped working perhaps due to the bad level converter I used (simple resistors ).
(if you're interested in this... **broken link removed**)

Anyways, what I can advice you to test the LCD only is to first connect it to a parallel port (it only requires some resistors, a capacitor and a diode if I remember correctly?) and use a windows software for just showing up some pixels. I don't have the links now because it was a long time ago but the software was related to LCD's and temperature monitor stuff. I'm sure its still on the web. If it works connected to the parallel port then proceed to connecting it to the pic.

Hope it helps anyway, good luck

JF. Mousinho

I suggest that you try to get the LCD working by connecting it to some switches and manually enter the codes. This can be educational as well as testing the LCD. Common causes of not getting the display to work is the contrast control not being set correctly and the correct initialization codes not being sent.

As I was searching to solve this problem I found a programm that can help me on that, I might just try it and i'll give a look on that link too.

Anyway I'll get a new LCD today (a new nokia3310) so if there's something wrong with the old one i already have a solution!

As I already said, i'm gonna test it to see if there's something wrong with it Thanks!

You can see here, LCD Nokia 3310 with PIC and chipKIT.

Actually that link was very helpfull! Since it uses the same Pic and the same LCD, i'll try this aswell. Thanks!

I'll give some more news when I test it!


With 5V as power supply, maybe, you can destroy the LCD!
because Nominal voltage is 3,3V.
same for the control signal.

In normal runing, check if you get a voltage of 7 up to 8.6V accross the capacitor connected on pin 7 Vout.
if less than 6 V, no chance to see something on display.

some LCD 3310 have a resolution of 8 lines of 16 caracteres
other have 6 lines of 14 caracteres
.. maybe because controller are different, i was not able to check it.

I had to test many LCD to find out some working immediatly with the same program.
because , not sure of the source : coming from spare or from out of order phone Nokia.

- - - Updated - - -


With 5V as power supply, maybe, you can destroy the LCD!
because Nominal voltage is 3,3V.
same for the control signal.

In normal runing, check if you get a voltage of 7 up to 8.6V accross the capacitor connected on pin 7 Vout.
if less than 6 V, no chance to see something on display.

some LCD 3310 have a resolution of 8 lines of 16 caracteres
other have 6 lines of 14 caracteres
.. maybe because controller are different, i was not able to check it.

I had to test many LCD to find out some working immediatly with the same program.
because , not sure of the source : coming from spare or from out of order phone Nokia.

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