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Philips LPC2214 ARM7 and external Memory

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Full Member level 5
Aug 28, 2001
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arm7 external ram


I have an Olimex kit, wich have a LPC2214 philips ARM7 chip, external flash MX26LV800BTC-55 (1M x 16 flash memory), and a external RAM of 256Kx32. The flash is mapped on the #CS0 line of ARM7 chip, and the RAM is on the #CS1. I'm using CrossStudio v1.4. I can access the internal flash of LPC2214 and debug ok using Macraigor Wiggler.

But I don't know how to access directly to the external flash or the external RAM using the CrossStudio thought the JTAG (wiggler) emulator. Only found that I must do a software first loaded into the internal flash of LPC2214, and then from there transfer the data to external flash.

Is there a method to access directly to external memories??. I will in a near future use a LPC2210 that hasn't internal Flash, the code must run on external memory


bootlaoder in lpc2214


the keyword you are looking for is an external Flash programming routine. I don't know the details about Rowleys whether this provides a program for the external Flash or not. Another possibility is that Olimex provides a small program to burn the external Flash. There is no requirement for the LPC2214 to furn burn anything into the internal Flash but that software to burn the internal Flash is usually included in the development tools such as CrossStudio. It is a little difficult for the C-Compiler and debuger vendors to provide programming for all the different and ever changing external memories.
Other kits, for example Phytex LPC2294 when used with the Keil tools has these programming tools included but it is also more expensive. Hope you will find the external Flash routines either from Rowleys or from Olimex, otherwise you might have to write them yourself, it is not magic when you have the Data Sheet for the Flash


arm7 to external memory

You can access to external memory with select the SW BOOT.

00 Select 8-Bit Ext. Memory on CS0
01 Select 16-Bit Ext. Memory on CS0
10 Select 32-Bit Ext. Memory on CS0
11 Select Internal Flash Memory

accessing external sram using lpc2214

May be I did misunderstand the question because ArmDong answered it totally different and this could be all you needed to know. Just want to make that point again, accessing the external memory at reset does no good it the external memory does not have your program already inside.

Hope this did not confuse too much


accessing external sram using lpc2214

I'm just looking for a bootloader, or downloader software or proggram, to do it (access external flash), using JTAG.

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