phd or job after masters engineering

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Once, one of our professors said that my top students are those that do not live in the "perfect world of pens and papers", where everything works as designed. I think the best thing is to start a job that you really like and then to pick your PHD research topic based on what you are doing out there.
This is one of my desires when I get to that stage of life.


I suggest u go for job so that u will get experience.aftr working for two to three years then u can go for Phd.

PhD or Job?

Completing a Ph.D. makes you thinking differently.
Is not it a big advantage!?

PhD or Job?

i think it is a good choice to finish your PHD

PhD or Job?

It depends on the field you are working on. For circuit area, if your major professor for your PhD has a lot of experience in industry, you can pursue a PhD first . Otherwise, it may be a better idea to have some industry experience first.


you can work towards the phd degree while working in the industry. it only takes a university promoter, and something to kill the pain of working long hours . beer works just fine.


PhD or Job?

PhD is rewarding and gives you the freedom to pursue what you want. But it's a tough road ahead. Ask yourself if you are determined as people dropped out along the way. Also how about your other commitments, e.g. marriage, family and $$?


as with many decisions in life, your question cannot possibly have a black/white answer. I faced a similar dilemma 15 years ago, and chose to go for a Ph.D.
If I were to sum up my experiences, I would say that it felt interesting to be part of an international scientific community, but I really pushed myself to the limit, especially during the 7-month write-up period, when I was working up to 19 hours a day, 7 days a week. Looking at it now, I think I kind of mentally burned-out at that time.
Someone else mentioned that a Ph.D. does not make that of a difference in the industry. Well, apart from giving you an edge at interview time, I generally agree with that. Practical skills are usually called for in the workplace, whereas a Ph.D. needs to be theoretical. It may optionally also have a practical aspect to compliment.
If an academic career is of interest, things are totally different of course.


if u decide to be an academician in university, than PhD will be most welcomed.

Furthermore, u need to do research and publication work to climb the ladder.

But if u wanna be an engineer and works in firms or consultant than a MSc will do.

Not all employer are keen to have a PhD holder in their firm.

PhD or Job?

GO for the PhD. There are many MS employees that can do the work, however many lack the fundamental understanding of what they are doing which is fine and they do great jobs. However it can make it very difficult for them to change jobs as they may not have the fundamentals down pat (though after 20 years they know a hell of a lot more than any entry PhD )

I would say to go for PhD. As it will enhance your skills at a particular topic and after finishing your job innings at late 60s ... you can easily move to academia... but leaving PhD at this time may lead to be in industry forever...

Re: PhD or Job?

Better you go for job first. You got confusion, this is because you are afraiding about your future. Ofcourse every one thinks about their future.
you can do Phd in correspondence. This will give same value as you doing it in regular. becuase you are gaining practical experiance too. so even after completionof ur phd, u will get 2 options to go, thats based on ur interest. Doing Phd without practical knowledge is wast........

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