PCB, schematics and other documents for AVR JTAG emulator

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ebn to hex+atmel

I have no PCB design yet. I had used prototyping board.

avr jtag elektroda

Hi Testu,

Is there exist any documentation about this circuit? Where can I find the firmware for AVR?

Thanks & regards.

avr jtagice schemaitc

Hi everyone, who have done with AVR miniICE JTAG. The schematic is very simple. But I can't update the upgrade.ebn firmware from AVRstudio 4. I don't know why ?


Have a look at this page ..
**broken link removed**

He also have the "guide" of how to get the first ebn file into the jtag via a Mega16 temporary storage.


avrjtag clone

Hi Kosta,
In your Jtag_sch, the SPI interface at the ATmega16 is likely to be out of order ( MISO <>MOSI, MOSI <> MISO ). Would you mind telling me why? Thanks.

avr jtag schematics

hi all, i'm search an AVR ICE project and found in this topic. It's very cool. thanks for all. But my point is only 0.5 (do not perm to download ) so I try to a post to inc my point. Thanks

avr jtag


You have all on this page : **broken link removed**
Nothing more to download

90s1200 board schematic


i'am searching for the upgrade.hex. In the AVR studio i found only the upgrade.ebn and this is encrypted. Have anybody the source?


stk500 clone

HofMar said:

i'am searching for the upgrade.hex. In the AVR studio i found only the upgrade.ebn and this is encrypted. Have anybody the source?


Burn the avr's flash with the upgrade.ebn file in AVRStudio.
Hust after programming the avr and just before the verfifying the avr, cancel the burning process, and then re-read the contents of the avr's flash.

Now you can get the decrypted binary.

avr jtag no crystal

I used a good JTAGAVR from ww.ere.co.th

make avr jtag ice


I am going to build Evertool-Light Emulator.
My problem that can't find 7.3 MHZ Crystal in my country .

Any solution ?


7.3728 avr


It is a 7.3728 Mhz Xtal , or oscillator.

You could use a 14.746 Oscillator (TTL output) , and a flip-flop to diveide the freq by 2.

But you have to match the freq , as the Jtag program downloaded into the M16 , is the Original Atmel binary , that expects a 7.3728 (or close to that)


how do i create a jtag emulator

Dear All,
Anyone have build Evertool JTAG AVR, is it works fine?
please share your experience with Evertool,
because I want to build it too. Thank a lot.


Added after 2 minutes:

Dear All,
Anyone have build Evertool JTAG AVR, is it works fine?
please share your experience about Evertool,
because I want build it to. Thank a lot.


avr 3 emulation

I have built the evertool.
works good.
No problem in building.
Replaced the original 7.3728 Mhz by 7.345Mhz,still seems to be working nicely
280Hz diff did not change the baud rate for the UART..


+74hc125 + avr atmel

Hi Sam_Manchali,
nice to hearing from You.
I'll try to build it. If You not busy, could you
please take picture of your evertool JTAG AVR
and put on this forum. Thank a lot.


avr jtag series resistors

I use JTAG have not 90S2313 and no problem !
Mr.Bingo600 speek
You could use a 14.746 Oscillator (TTL output) , and a flip-flop to diveide the freq by 2.
OK ! No problem

You can use it !

evertool avr

Hi Hoang_csa
have you build evertool JTAG AVR too,or another one? please let me know which one?
if you build evertool JTAG, why did you mention about 90S2313, as i know as evertool did not use it, but using 90S8535 and ATMEGA16L-A. Could you please share your JTAG schematic?

Thank a lot

avr studio at90s2313

look at **broken link removed** AVR miniTOOL work as Evertool but without jumpers


You can show sample shematic on web Evertool . I redesign schema . It have not AT90S8535 , only have AT90S1200+ ATMega16 + MAX232 + flip flop + 74HC245 + 74HC125 +....
You can redesign schema Evertool
You can sent mail to : hoang_csa@yahoo.com

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