I have tried to add a line to this to inclued a parts value. Like ( 10uF ). The value being a Attribute.
Basic script, ( 17 - Excel Part List Report ) Here is the top part. It stops at " OutCell part.Attribute.value " or " OutCell part.value "
' Sample 17: Excel Part List Report.BAS
'This is a completely revised version of the same file renamed to: old_X & Y Part Location Report.bas
'This script has been generated by PowerPCB's VB Script Wizard on 8/23/2007 3:19:25 PM
'It will create reports in Microsoft Excel Format.
'You can use the following code as a skeleton for your own VB scripts
'Array of column names. You can modify it to rename columns
Const Columns = Array("PartType", "RefDes", "PartDecal", "Pins", "Layer", "Orient.", "X", "Y", "SMD", "Glued")
Sub Main
tempFile = DefaultFilePath & "\temp.txt"
Open tempFile For Output As #1
'Output table header
For i = 0 to UBound(Columns)
OutCell Columns(i)
Print #1
'Output table rows
For Each part in ActiveDocument.Components
OutCell part.PartType
OutCell part.Name
OutCell part.Decal
OutCell part.Attribute.value