[SOLVED] opnet error when run simulation

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Newbie level 5
May 28, 2011
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hello every body

i have problem when i'm run simulation with DES
many error show me.how can i fix it

best regards
Beginning simulation of project2-scenario1 at 14:34:11 Tue Jul 12 2011
Kernel: development (not optimized), sequential, 32-bit address space
<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Process model (bursty_source) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Process model (sink) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Process model (wlan_dispatch) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Process model (wlan_mac) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Process model (wlan_mac_hcf) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Process model (wlan_mac_interface) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (dra_bkgnoise) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (dra_closure) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (dra_snr) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (wlan_ber) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (wlan_chanmatch) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (wlan_ecc) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (wlan_error) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (wlan_inoise) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (wlan_power) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (wlan_propdel) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (wlan_rxgroup) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Pipeline stage model (wlan_txdel) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (ams_basetraf_supp) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (ams_support_v2) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (apptrack_support) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (ip_addr_v4) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_auto_addr_support) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_basetraf) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_bgutil) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_data_def) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_dim_stat_support) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_dist_support) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_ext_file_support) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_ot_support) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_pipeline) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_pr) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_routing_convergence) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_rr) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_sim_attr_cache) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_string_support) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_sv) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (oms_tan) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
External code file (wlan_support) compilation failed
Errors given in file (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Object repository construction failed
External code file (C:\Program Files\OPNET\14.0.A\models\std\wireless_lan\wlan_support.ex.c) compilation failed, see error messages in (C:\Documents and Settings\Deljoo\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_5284)
T (0), EV (-), MOD (NONE), PROC (sim_load_repos_rebuild)
<<< Program Abort >>>
Error encountered rebuilding repository -- unable to proceed
T (0), EV (-), MOD (NONE), PROC (sim_load_repos_load)


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