Object removal using Matlab

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Newbie level 1
Jun 20, 2012
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I have a video sequence captured with a fixed thermal imaging camera. The sequence consists of many thousands of .RAW images. In it there is a vehicle (hot spot) which moves through the scene (which is largely static otherwise, apart from movement of trees, shrubs etc).

As a project I have been asked to remove the vehicle from the scene, without losing any of the background itself. This is to leave the scene as it would have been without the vehicle.

My idea is to follow the hotspot using an intensity tracking function, and then replace the area of each .RAW file where the hot spot is present. I would either replace it with part of a .RAW file that is unchanged (from an earlier/later part of the scene), or average that part of the image over all .RAW files.

I am planning on doing this with Matlab (although Nuke software was also discussed).

I already have the functions to read the .RAW files in Matlab, and track the hotspots. My problem is I am not that proficient with Matlab. Does it sound possible to do this? Or is there some other method of 'object removal' for video that would work?



For tracking I would suggest you to take a look to OpenCV libraries, there are some algorithms developed. Specially, I would take a look to the Lukas-Kanade method, which is implemented in matlab here. You also can find here a good tutorial.

So, as starting point begin to play and see what you can do. I´ll be happy to have some feedback if there is success in your implementation.


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