[SOLVED] O-scope Voltage Percentage Measurement Cursors to measure stage Gain

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So it converts a High input impedance to a low output impedance

It's an impedance matcher
No it is not an impedance matcher.
Its output impedance at DC to 10Hz is only 0.0004 ohms. It can barely drive a load that is 500 ohms. A load less than 500 ohms or 1k ohms overloads it.
Your stereo amplifier has an output impedance at low frequencies of 0.04 ohms or less but your speaker is not 0.04 ohms, it is 8 ohms. It can barely drive 2 ohms or 4 ohms.

Driving it , you mean it doesn't have enough current to drive it?

Correct, it does not have enough current to drive it but it has a very low output impedance. It does not match the impedance.

Correct, it does not have enough current to drive it but it has a very low output impedance. It does not match the impedance.

I ment it converts the impedance to a low output impedance

It's ment to MATCH the output impedance, Depending on the Load

It's ment to MATCH the output impedance, Depending on the Load
IT DOES NOT match impedance. It provides a low source impedance for the much higher impedance that it feeds.

One opamp with an output impedance of 0.0004 ohms at DC feeds the input of an inverting opamp with an input impedance of 2000 ohms so that its gain is not reduced. Does the 0.004 ohms match the 2000 ohms? NO.

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