[SOLVED] O scope single sweep trigger event

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When measuring logic switching transitions in auto trigger mode on an O-scope won't tell you where the trigger event starts? only in single sweep mode it tell you where the trigger event is?

Each O-scope is different using the single sweep mode, some indicate a "T" or a "DOT" on the O scope to tell you this is where the trigger event starts

When using the Auto mode or Normal mode, using the external trigger won't tell you on the o-scope where the event trigger started?

It does tell you but in auto mode the event is overwritten by the next sweep. Auto (Normal) mode is better for displaying repeating waveforms where it can trigger at a particular point in the cycle, what you actually see is a static image of many cycles superimposed.

Single sweep mode is best for displaying single events. Even better is to use a logic analyzer which is the ideal instrument for capturing logic events.


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