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Noise Figure: VNA vs SA

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Oct 9, 2011
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Hi friends,
I want to add Noise Figure option for NF measurement and I have two options :
1) R&S Spectrum analyzer
2) R&S Vector Network analyzer

Which option is better? I mean which hardware is more suitable for giving accurate NF measurement? How abt differential noise measurement capacity?

NF Measurement is based on Power Measurement, so logically R&S Spectrum Analyzer+Noise Figure Option seems to be appropriate.But since the manufacturer of these equipment offers NF option, they are capable to measure NF both.
You should look at options cost and accuracy of NF measurements of those equipments.But I personally prefer to measure NF with a real NF Meter.
I don't trust too much to such options...

Noise Figure meter is the instrument to use., VNA cannot measure device noise and SA is often not calibrated well enough.
You can use a hot/cold load and a power meter, the best way to measure NF. All other ways are only a poorer replacement.

Start reading about noise figure and how to measure it. You should understand the basics!

VNA structure not matched. General is software than couplers, mixers, and audio card with hi dynamic range it is as minimum amateur structure.But Rohde& Schwartz are not so far, it is almost same.

1) R&S Spectrum analyzer with proper head and EBN.

I think you meant ENR, that is the excess noise generated by the head.

However I usually use R&S as well as Agilent spectrum analyzer and I found them quite accurate, compared with a noise figure meter, if the gain of your DUT is higher than some dB. This limit is due to the noise figure of the instrument itself.
I never used this option on a network analyzer.

Probably I didn't explain correctly what I wanted to say: Usually I measure the NF using a SA and the results I have are close to that I obtain with a more accurate measurement performed by a NF meter if the gain of DUT is at least some 4 or 5 dB.
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You still have no knowledge of noise basics! VNA measure SIGNAL responses of a device, no relation to noise. Go study first, then ask questions, please.

Please answer to analog_chip, thanks!
by the way, i don't think u have more RFIC knowledge than me.

I can comment on the RS VNA noise figure measurement. We acquired one of the latest ZVA models and an additional power meter head beside it, since it is required for the NF measurement on the VNA (source power calibration). The NF measurement procedure is kind of complicated, time consuming and requires lots of connector mating!!! We wish we would have chosen another option, that is a NF meter with noise source head.

In your case I would recommend option (1) Spectrum analyzer

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