Negative ions generator capacitors type!

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For a quick "rule of thumb": 100uA may be noticed by a customer. 1mA is painful. Under 10mA is not likely to cause any lasting damage by itself. Of course someone could get a 1mA shock and fall off a ladder...

Also note I am not a lawer, and have never even played one on TV.

Nooo way , I don't make these to sell them!
I will give one to my parents , one I'll keep for me , one to my uncle who has "an atmosphere to clean" at work(chemical stuff... :roll: ) , or at least that's what he told me : "SHOW ME HOW AND IF IT WORKS , AND WE'LL SEE " :wink:
and the last one I don't know...
maybe will "land" some 60 miles from where I am now to my sister !
I would never sell a thing that could kill...
In fact I'm on this forum because of lack of knowledge regarding electronics; money I make from other occupations!
I will post and pictures but after will be completely finish and fully working properly(that electron optics from the US patent 4816684 I think will be "tricky" considering I gave up metal/copper plates with needles in them...).
It seems that copper wire and needles work better; probably even better with the neutral around the pins; even as it is now anyone can feel a small "wind" from ANY of the 19 points soldered on a copper wire(second version, first had only 3 pins).
I'll have to be "Creative" on the third version of the pin-farm and see how many pins I can place on one copper wire 1 mm thick and who knows how long !
I'll keep it pluged until morning to really see what's the difference in air quality :-D
Hello again!
After a few "free days" I managed to "nail it" right on :
ALL 36 needles soldered on the galvanized tin have a nice uniform purple corona on the tips!
What I did was to wrap around them a copper wire (instead of a plate as on the US PATENT 4816684) with the "ground/nule" wire on it!
For the best of results the patent MUST be reproduced exactly! :roll:
I'm just "playing around" as a hobby!
photos later
I was following this thread for updates.Appreciate reply .

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