need stepping down of Voltage.... help any1?

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Newbie level 6
Oct 13, 2004
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hi im new to this forum.. i hope i post this in the rite place.

okay. i have this IC chip[UC3524AN].

And i have a Sensor to be connected to it.

The sensor needs 12V whereas the Chip can only supply 7V.

How do i connect the Sensor to the chip whithout the use of RESISTOR.

so is there any way i can connect them without resistors?

Thanks for reading, help if u can

oh thanks for yur reply.. i know wat u meant

but.. what i actually means is for the the particullar pin which the sensor is connected to.. can i step up the voltage to 12V?

for the pin which supply Voltage to the Sensor only..

no1 can help?

noidea said:
The sensor needs 12V whereas the Chip can only supply 7V.
How do i connect the Sensor to the chip whithout the use of RESISTOR.

It would be impossible to think you can do anything without resistance. You want to add something to the circuit you automatically add resistance.

Try figures below as they are opamp based ability to increase voltage in output from 7volts to 12volts DC or AC does not matter.

R3 is there listed as 6400k but it can be no less than 6.4k. I was going to add 6.4 but to be safe in practical matters even a 6.4Mohm make it worthful.

hmmmm thanks for reply..

yea i was looking out for other alternatives other den using resistors.

How do you go from a 1" cable to a 5 gauge cabel without losing anything?

step down the voltage using a transformer

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