need some guidence... please... im new ;)

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Newbie level 5
Jul 20, 2006
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Hi, first I want to say is that this forums looks nice and is visited by many smart folks...

Now... Im totally new to electronics... im good with computers... and I fiddle with electronics all the time.. but I want to build a simple thing.. and was wondering if someone could give me some guidence...

The Project: Keypad, when number pressed to be stored in non-voletile memory (in case battery dies..) with time (and date if possible...) and be able to get the information in regular text to computer from that memory at later time...

If someone could tell me what i need... I have keypad... but what else is needed and how to wire from each number to what.. and how to connect to computer to be able to read the memory.... any help GREATLY appreciated...


The easiest thing to do would be to use a microcontroller that has some EEPROM, in which to store the info and transmit it upon request. The micro can scan the keypad.
You will also need a real-time-clock that would keep track of the time when power is off (needs a battery). Some RTC's have a few bytes of battery backed up RAM, which you can use to store the info, instead of the micro's EEPROM.
The micro would need to talk to the RTC via some interface.

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