Need information about IP over DVB protocol

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Feb 7, 2002
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IP over DVB ?

Hi all,

I have Dektec DTA-107 ( **broken link removed**) I wrote a the board driver and I see the reception RSSI strength indicator is over 90% (I use skystar2 receiver). I want to transfer Internet packet via DBV. I wrote Ethernet sniffer that capture all LAN packets and transfer them over the DVB but the receiver doesn’t accept any packets. Then I saw that there is special IP over DVB protocol. My question is witch part of the DVB standard is for IP transfer? Are there any sources for so called “MPE – Multiprotocol Encapsulation” or sample DVB-IP packet data? Where to find more information ?

Re: IP over DVB ?

DVB-H for handheld , have a part for IP over DVB, the ETSI indicates clearly the MPE and even MPEFEC.
please refer to
godd luck

Re: IP over DVB ?

let me explain simply how the ip is encapsulated in the DVB-H stream.

The DVB-H belongs to the famly of DVB standarts, which its a super set of DVB-T, Basically the data is carried in TS packets of MPEG, thes TS packets carries either MPE sectoin or FEC section, the MPE section has a header and a crc, its pay load is actually an IP Packet, the IP packet in most cases carry a UDP packet ,which carries either RTP Packet or RTCP packet, thos RTP packets carries the NAL uinits of the H264 audio and video data, a user can simply get the IP packets and forward them to a VLC as a network stream and he can see his video being played , i have tried it myself.

feel free to ask me any thing you want.


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