[need help]Tsmc018 model

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Newbie level 4
Apr 29, 2010
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I need tsmc018 Hspice model with this properties NCH3, PCH3 ,TT_3V level 49 & Bsim3V3 ver. 3.1 for nmos & pmos
I do'nt know How can i use .lib .include syntaxes so I have to place the text directly to my net file.
I realy need this model soon and I do'nt have enough time for doing my project.
and another request.how can I measure cmrr & slew rate psrr of 2 stage opamp by hspice?
can anyone help me?
please answer my questions.the first one is more important.
Thanks alot

The models are only supplied under a non-disclosure agreement. However, if you have the model files you can simply "include" them or cut & paste the text from them.

It is difficult to talk you through how to use the .lib files without knowing what files you have and the general format. There are many ways of organising the libraries which varies from fab to fab. With TSMC, you may find a separate .scs file with parameters in it which needs to be included and a .l file with the models in it.


thanks for your help
but the main problem is that I do'nt have the proper model. I found 1 but it has lots of errors when I run my file may be its adaptive with another program not hspice . the other texts have .lib or .include in thier content and I do'nt have the related files.I found lots of tsmc018 models but I do'nt know how can I change it to nch3 if Iset value nch=3 is enough? what about tt_3V?

Hi sabjt

I have tsmc 0.18um with TT, SS, FF, SF, FS 3v, 1.8v, 3.3v. I downloaded it from internet about 4 months ago. I have hspice file setup for that model so it is easy for you doing project. Do you need it? I dont know I can send you here because file is big.

Hi doibongvui
Thanks alot . I'd be very pleased if you send that for me.
I think it would be helpful,in anyway.but after that how can I use of hspice file setup .which directory should I put the file?and what should I write in my netlist?
.Include filepath filename
is enough?
or I should use different syntax?

Added after 29 minutes:

to: oermens
thanks but I visited the site before. it seems that the models are not nch3 because I searched nch3 pch3 tt-3V keywords but found nothing. are there any other phrases for them or how can we understand a model is nch3 or tt-3V?

Normally the libraries are in two stages. A .lib file which is really a pointer file to the real models.That will have lines like:

.lib tt
.include '$T_DIR/hspiceS/xl035/bsim3v3/tm/NE.mod'

Then in that location you will find the actual model files such as


To call the library, you need to use:

.lib "filename.lib" tt

Adding the space tt or typical or FS or whatever is important. It tells the simulator which set of models you want to use as pointed at by the .lib file.

You may need to edit the .lib file if it contains strange things like $T_DIR in it, which are environment variable pointers for Tanner.


thanks, but my main problem is that I do'nt have a proper model with those properties that I wrote befor. is there anybody who can send it for me?

The problem is that everyone gets the models under a non-disclosure agreement so cannot send them to you. Assuming you have legitimate access to the process models you need to download the complete libraries.


I didn't get the point.can you explain it more,please.you mean I can get complete lib. file not text?you helped me and because of that I can use .lib file now (thanks).
but I saw a lot of file model dawnable in this site?

Added after 5 minutes:

to doibongvui :
hi,I have waited for yor .lib file yet?please send it for me.

I don't know what format files you have downloaded but usually the Hspice ones are all text files no matter what the extension is. There is an exception which is Hspice encrypted models but I haven't come across those from any fabs.


I found a model file mm018_dk but it is in the folder and I opened it with notepad
; * **********************************************
; **********************************************
; PROCESS : TSMC 0.18um Mixed Signal SALICIDE (1P6M, 1.8V/3.3V)
; MODEL : BSIM3 ( V3.2 )
; DOC. NO.: T-018-MM-SP-002
; VERSION : 1.5
; DATE : May 22, 2002
; HSPICE VERSION : H98.2 & H98.4
2.LIB TT_3V *
; SS_3V *
; FF_3V *
; SF_3V *
; FS_3V *
; Model name length range width range unit *
; low high low high *
; ---------------------------------------------------------- *
; nch3 0.35 20.0 0.22 100 um *
; pch3 0.30 20.0 0.22 100 um *
; --------------------------------------------------------
1)To use these models directly by programming in this style: *
; *
; .lib 'lib_path/lib_name' model_name *
; *
; *
; EX: .lib '/home/user/tsmc/LOGIC/mm018.l' TT *
; for typical 1.8V N,PMOS *
; .lib '/home/user/tsmc/LOGIC/mm018.l' TT_3V *
; for typical 3.3V N,PMOS
now how should I use from this file ?
and my netlist file is on:
can I copied mm018_dk to this path and use of this syntax:
.lib 'mm018_dk' TT_3V
if not
what can I do?
I opened it with notepad and the extension changed to .net what can I do for that?
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