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Need help to choose accelerometer

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Member level 4
Dec 17, 2021
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I want to choose an accelerometer for measuring vibration experienced by a person on moving vehicle. The frequency of vibration is somewhere between 1 and 20Hz.
Accelerometers are of different types. Piezoelectric, piezoresistive and capacitive. Also its categorized as analog and digital. So please help me choose which type of acceleromter would be most suitable for my application to get highest accuracy and highest sensitivity.


we just know the frequency range of your application.
For the given frequency range almost every accelerometer can be used.

We don´t know if you want analog or digital. .. or what resolution and range.... and so on.

It´s your job to specify what you need.


analog or digital. .. or what resolution and range.... and so on.
Hi, either analog or digital is OK. I am looking for minimum 0.01g measurement possible and range can be upto 2g. I could find many accelerometers meeting these specification.

But I am looking for answer that say what type of accelerometer best suited. I mean accelerometer technology using Piezo and capacitive both provide above spec meters. Which is best suited for my application?

Someone who has worked on similar measurement might know how to choose or guide me which aspects of my application should I look into.


again: Without a definintion what "best suited" means for you ... we can´t give you an answer to your question.
Most important are electrical and acceleration specifications.
But also price, interface, power supply, color, size, availability, volume, material, wheight, SMD/THM/with cabele, sealed or not...and a lot more.

we don´t know whether you have an analog contol unit or a digital one, if you use a microcontoller.. with or without ADC, what interfaces, how many sensors maybe you want to connect to a bus...

My recommendation:
Go to a big acclelerometer manufacturer and use the selection guide.
Also they may provide documents on "how to choose an accelerometer"


Might start from the back, expect you will be recording and that means a digital host, how that wants output data will narrow the field quickly. Then #axes and then range / resolution. Beware of over specifying....

There are accelerometers, at least the one I've used, with programmable low pass internal filter in order to provide sensitivity adjustment, beyond the mere threshold itself. Furthermore, it is possible to set the sensor's output pin to generate a pulse in case a certain acceleration has been reached. In short, there are numerous options of your choice, you are the one who can better assess it.

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