Ahmed Tanvir
Newbie level 1

Hi everybody
For my thesis paper i need matlab code for Multiple Antenna Technique in WIMAX.if anyone have plz send me through my mail(ahmedkhan@socialworker.net);it ll helpful for me ;
code for :BER performance in BPSK - OFDM - SFBC system
code for :Capacity Analysis of MIMO System
code for:BER for BPSK modulation with Alamouti STBC (Rayleigh channel)
Please Help Help
For my thesis paper i need matlab code for Multiple Antenna Technique in WIMAX.if anyone have plz send me through my mail(ahmedkhan@socialworker.net);it ll helpful for me ;
code for :BER performance in BPSK - OFDM - SFBC system
code for :Capacity Analysis of MIMO System
code for:BER for BPSK modulation with Alamouti STBC (Rayleigh channel)
Please Help Help