Need help from all the pros out there... Which mcu to use??

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Newbie level 1
May 30, 2012
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Hi im new here and the sole purpose to join this was to get some answers i cant find anywhere! :O Im hoping some of you smart people stumble across this and help me out soon...
So im making an AIR to FUEL RATIO CONTROL SYSTEM for IC ENGINES...what im gonna ask has nothing related to engines so dont worry...
Im taking one input from a fan, that rotates when high pressure air passes through it, in VOLTS(.as the speed of fan increases so does the voltage produced), and im still working on the second input (it would probably be in Volts but it could also be a shaft encoder so in that case it could be 'theta'...)

but anyway, i dont know much about programming...have done some C++ in freshman year but thats it..I need a microconttroller which can
  • read the inputs
  • manipulate them by mathematical formulation into useful data ( that involves a lot of math functions)
  • check and see if the input data matches the required input (or the AFR input)
  • command an actuator (on output) to change the applied voltage (or speed of fan etc) IF the input is not matching the required input

NOW i dont know what to look for in an mcu or how to choose a how much memory it should have or how many input output ports or if it should have a USB or SERIAL port etc...
once i have it i have a friend who could program it but i need to GET one first! im really desperate....i really need some proffessional advice and hopefully someone who could assist an electronics newbie to make her way through this...

welcome to the eda forum and i am sure that you will get the advices from the experts in this forum.

coming to your requirement of microcontroller:
your requirement is clear( :-D ) at the first(top) level.
now you refine the rquirements to second (down level).

*what is the kind of inputs in your equipment and what is the kind of output required?
i mean , are the i/ps digiatal or analog and
the same for o/p(analog or digital).

* what complexity on mathematical operation required?
i.e., just simple math operation or math involving sin/cos etc?

give more on your requirement.
many microcontrollers can be used but if you are clear in spec. , then you can zero-in on few controllers.

do not concentrate on the language to be used now(assembly or c etc)

i hope that you enjoy eda forum.

I would look at the dsPic33f or dsPic30f series from Microchip.
They are powerful, cheap, fast 16-bit micros with on board dsp engine for heavy duty maths.
The development tools are also free downloads.
If you go to you will find a lot of information and application notes.

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