Need HELP for a Wifi Relay Board based on Esp8266

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Newbie level 3
Dec 17, 2016
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Hi, sorry for my English, I'm french

So, I bought a microcontroller with a relay and WiFi.


The microcontroller is based on the esp8266. I used the informations about it to wire it with a converter USB => TTL

So, the connections are: RX => TX ; TX => RX ; 3V3 => 3V3 and GND => GND.
When the USB cable was connected, the "Esp8366 was on".

The problem is, when I want to upload the Arduino program, I have a message
"error: espcomm_upload_mem failed" (I used the esp8266 Library, etc.).
It's the same when I tried to used Nodemcu flasher. It can't be load.

Have you an idea about the problem ?
Thank's a lot for you answers
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I have not used ESP8266 or Wi-Fi but I have once had some problem when uploading sketch to Arduino and what I found was if you have connected any UART devices to Arduino then sketch doesn't upload. You have to disconnect UART device connected to Arduino and upload the sketch and then connect the UART device to Arduino.

Mmh, I see ... But how can I upload a sketch ? The module can't be connect without UART to upload a sketch :s

I am talking about Arduino and not ESP8266. If you have connected any device which uses UART to Arduino Rx and Tx pins then Arduino will give error while uploading sketch. You have to disconnect any module connected to Arduino Rx and Tx pins and upload sketch and then connect yout Blue Tooth or any other device which connects to Arduino Rx and Tx pins.

It's good to know it, but I used a similar as the ESP8266 ...

what is your chip on the usb-serial converter ?
if it is a fdti chip, it may be a fake one, and the fdti drivers are blocking the fake chips like this.
it's very difficult to know today if a fdti chip is a fake or not
better buy a usb-serial converter based on another chip like pl2303 or ch340 there is no problem with them.

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