Need help for a simple LCD phonebook application !

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Junior Member level 3
Dec 22, 2006
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I need a circuit and it's PIC codes (16f84 or 16f877) for an LCD application.
It will basically be like a phonebook application.
For example you will enter a ''name'' from a PS/2 keyboard and that will appear on a (2x16) LCD, then when you press ''enter'', the phone number of that name will appear on LCD. So basically some names and phone numbers have to be embedded into the PIC codes before the program works....
Any kind of help will be really helpful..

Nice and easy to port ps2 scan code reader for ps2 keyboard :

**broken link removed**

More of an explanation of the protocol:
and another....

**broken link removed**

There was a rightup in a magazine not so long ago about interfacing mice and keyboards with pics, will have a look see if I can find it (tho I suspect I passed it on to a colleague)

That should get you up and running...

Thanks for the links.
But they are general info about the PS/s and PIC communication protocol.

I need source code and circuit scheme.
The code can be written in pic-c or pic-basic or any other..

I have just what you want which I did myself, the extact same thing
but First of all HOZ how much do you want to pay for it, I spent a lot of time writing the code about 2 weeks all in all on and off then there was desiging the schematic and PCB, how about $200
Kelv gave you some links which is basicily for you to read and gain a better understanding how to do it,

From reading your post you want some to give you a working project so where is the asking for help part there, The better way would be for you to go way and do some reading up on it and try and write some code and see if you can get it working the best you can then come back with your code has to where your stuck ot just ask and expect to get

Thanks for your advices..
I have enough ability and cleverness to do such a ridiculous project but I don't have enough time for that.But thanks anyway

hoz said:
Thanks for your advices..
I have enough ability and cleverness to do such a ridiculous project but I don't have enough time for that.But thanks anyway

Why bother posting such a request if you had no intention of doing it yourself? I do agree sounds like a stupid project.

come look at here, someone is touched..
sorry buddy

I think he was, I have offered him the complete project but he wont put his money where is mouth is

guys, you have a big mouth but nothing else.
I already finished the project...and by the way, that was not my project, a friend's...
I was just trying to find him some sources about it...
Did u already believe that could be a grad project? PIC 16f84 and grad project?
What kind of universities are you both graduated from?

Hoz No we don't have big mouths at all and you don't need to start a war in here I offered you the complete protect and you came back with what I thought you would, People like you will not get very far here with attitude like that You need to grow up some
You come on here and ask
And kelv posted you some links to study but then you asked again and thrown he help back at him and you asked again.

Thanks for the links.
But they are general info about the PS/s and PIC communication protocol.

I need source code and circuit scheme.
The code can be written in pic-c or pic-basic or any other..

You've been here since 2006 and only posted 10 times, shame on you
All further posting made by HOZ will be ignored by ME

So you have posted many messages and you must be so happy now...
Get back to real world, try to get rid of your virtual world.
It is my last message,sorry for being rude

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