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Need help about AT89C51 Programmer

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Junior Member level 1
Jul 6, 2011
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I am a totally newbie when it comes to microcontrollers.

I have search and read post about building the AT89C51 Programmer, but there are some part about the schematic that I cannot understand.
Could you please share a link of an AT89C51 Programmer Schematic Diagram and could you please explain how to build it... Like how to connect the parts of the schematic, etc...

T_____T I'm really sorry, I am really not good in understanding schematic diagrams.... Pleaseee help me....

I am more into programming rather than building this kind of stuffzzzz... I really need to make it for our thesis...

Thank you very much....

Thanks for the link... but my problem is I don't know someone that could help me program the EZ55.hex into the master chip [89C51]... Is there another schematic that I could use??

you must load that hex code to 89c51 ask your friend if they have and go to the local market any electronics suppliers ask them to load that code to chip they will charge you 25 rs (delhi price @ chadni chowk they charge) cheers your programmer is ready

---------- Post added at 16:47 ---------- Previous post was at 16:39 ----------

if you don't want to build this one then you can build this one you don't need hex code to burn masterchip **broken link removed**
89c51 and 89s51 is same code size
first uses parallel type programmer where as second one is isp type

Okay, I asked someone to program the hex code in the master chip..

I have connected everything and I have tested all the polarity and voltages...

but every time I connect the circuit to my computer and run the hyperterminal to test the firmware, after pressing enter, nothing happens.

Easy-Downloader V2.1 for ATMEL 89C51/52/55WD
This should appear right?
But I only get an empty screen...

When I try use the EZDL4.exe and run it, it says "Try to connect to COM1" or sometimes it shows "Available port not found".

I have tried replacing the master chip and I still have the same problem.

Please help me T_____T I really need to finish this programmer as soon as possible...

Usually Com 1 will be used or occupied by some basic devices used on the system. Go to Hardware profiles and change the port to some other which is not used..may be 3, 4 or 5 which will be usually free in most of the systems.

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