NCSU kit and HSPICE models

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Full Member level 3
Mar 14, 2002
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Looking through the files I have found that most of the models only work with Hspice and not spectre, what are these standalone models? i was using these before with spectre and I was getting wierd errors in thee simulations. I have managed to get Spectre working correctly using the TSMC 0.40u 4M 2P process but any other TSMC processes cannot simulate as the required models are in Hpsice of which is not included in IC 5. Does anyone have HSPICE for linux?


LEVEL=11 for bsim3 mosfet models in spectre.
Replace LEVEL=49 by LEVEL=11 in the spice models.

Spectre uses some different word to explain its model e.g. it uses "bsim3v3" rather than number, "n" for nmos, "\" at the end of line before start the new parameters line while spice uses "+" in front of the new line, etc. Anyway, almost parameters are the same.

so to use the standalone spice models in spectre I have to replave level 49 with level 11, do I need to edit the file further, what about the +'s you are talking about.


Sorry for bothering you guys... can you tell me where can I get the model files for TSMC ? Where is the place that I can download them from?

cretu said:
Sorry for bothering you guys... can you tell me where can I get the model files for TSMC ? Where is the place that I can download them from?

ok..but are they free?...i am a student but working at the same time

You can use 'SPP' command to convert hspice format nestlist or model to spectre format.

There is no awave for linux, it's a bit problem for me.

does anyone know where can we get free viewers for hspice waveforms? something similar to awaves

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